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A Carretadas

Literal Meaning: cartloads

Meaning: tons

Quédate a comer, hay comida a carretadas. (Stay to eat, there’s tons of food.)

A Pincel

Literal Meaning: by paintbrush

Meaning: on foot

No quiero tomar un taxi; vamos a pincel. (I don’t want to take a taxi, let’s walk.)

A Poco

Meaning: really?

A poco crees que voy a salir contigo. (Do you really think I'm going to go out with you?)

A Todo Dar

Meaning: fantastic, great, awesome

¡Ese vato es a todo dar! Es director de cine y todas las pelis que hace son a todo dar! (That dude is great! He’s a director and all the movies he makes are awesome!)

Abajeño / Abajeña

Meaning: a person from El Bajío

Un abajeño es alguien que procede de la región de México central que abarca partes de Querétaro, Michoacán, y Guanajuato. (An “abajeño” is someone from the region of central Mexico that includes parts of Querétaro, Michoacán, and Guanajuato.)

Abogado Sangrón

Meaning: blood-sucking lawyer

No tengo dinero. Todo lo lleva mi abogado sangrón. (I don’t have any money. My blood-sucking lawyer gets it all.)


Meaning: snuggled up, huggy-kissy

Vi a Juan, supuestamente prometido a mi hermana Blanca, acaramelado con esa tal por cual, Verónica. (I saw Juan, supposedly engaged to my sister Blanca, all snuggled up with that slut Verónica.)


Literal Meaning: speeded up

Meaning: hyper, hectic, swamped

Mijo Carlitos es de naturaleza acelerado. Yo soy una persona tranquila. En el trabajo esta semana estamos todos acelerados con un proyecto grande y complicado. (My son Carlitos is by nature hyper. I am a laid-back person. This week at work we are all swamped with a big, complicated project.)

Acostarse Con

Meaning: to sleep with, to go to bed with

Carmela se acostó con su profesor de matemáticas y ahora él no la deja en paz. (Carmela slept with her math professor and now he won’t leave her alone.)

Agarrar En Curva

Literal Meaning: to catch on a curve

Meaning: to catch off guard, to take by surprise

Juanito: ¿Por qué le dijiste a tu mujer que vamos al Club Kitty Kitty? Ahora se lo va a decir a Miriam. (Why did you tell your wife that we’re going to the Kitty Kitty Club? Now she’s going to tell Miriam.) Memo: No sé, guey! Ella me agarró en curva y no tuve chance de pensarlo bien! (I don’t know, dude! She caught me off guard and I didn’t have a chance to think it through.)


Meaning: To become like a gringo, to act like a gringo.

Ese vato se fue al Norte y se agringó totalmente. (That dude went to the U.S. and now he acts just like a gringo.)


Literal Meaning: scorpion

Meaning: a person from Durango

Mi primo Memo es alacrán pero sus padres y abuelos son de Campeche. Los abuelos decidieron vivir en Durango durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. (My cousin Memo is from Durango but his parents and grandparents are from Campeche. The grandparents decided to live in Durango during the Second World War.)


Literal Meaning: hallucinatory

Meaning: amazing, mind-bending

Arturo es un artista increíble. Sus cuadros son alucinantes, de colores vivos y temas surrealistas e intelectuales. (Arturo is an incredible artist. His paintings are amazing, with vivid colores and surreal and intellectual themes.)

Amor Prohibido

Meaning: forbidden love

Juan no se puede casar con Casandra, ni siquiera salir con ella. Ella es de una familia importante y él ha estado en la carcel. Ellos tienen un amor prohibido. (Juan cannot marry Casandra, or even go out with her. She is from an important family and he’s spent time in jail. Theirs is a forbidden love.)

Andar A Medios Chiles

Meaning: to be half drunk, to be tipsy

¡Ja ja! Mi mamá andaba a medios chiles en la boda. Estaba bailando durante horas con el hombre más guapo del evento, el hijo de su gran amiga Petra. (Hee hee! My mom was half drunk at the wedding. She was dancing for hours with the most handsome man at the event, the son of her great friend Petra.)

Andar Pacheco

Meaning: to be high

No hagas caso a lo que dijo Beto la otra noche. Anduvo bien pacheco. (Don’t pay attention to what Beto said the other night. He was really high.)

Andar Pedo

Meaning: to be wasted

Cállate cabrón. Andas pedo, no sabes lo que dices. Hablamos mejor mañana en la comida. (Shut up, asshole. You’re wasted, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Let’s discuss it tomorrow at lunch.)


Meaning: dude

Tú, animal, ¡vamos! (Dude, let’s go!)


Meaning: There are various types of clubs. An antro is a place to dance, generally to lively and sometimes rowdy music, and geared toward younger people.

Así vamos a hacer. Primero vamos a cenar algo ligero, luego vamos a mi bar favorito, y terminamos la noche en el antro de la calle Juárez. (This is what we’ll do. First we’ll have a light dinner, then we’ll go to my favorite bar and we’ll end up in the dance club on Juárez Street.)


Meaning: to cuddle

Mi hijo ya está grande; no se deja apapachar. (My son is big now; he doesn’t want to be cuddled.)


Literal Meaning: spider

Meaning: harpy

¡Pobre de Miguel! Su mujer es una araña. No lo deja en paz! (Poor Miguel! His wife is a harpy. She won’t leave him in peace.)


Literal Meaning: a big toss

Meaning: a ride, a lift

Mi auto no anda. ¿Me puedes dar un aventón? (My car’s not running. Can you give me a lift?)


Meaning: idiot, stupid, dummy. Can be used affectionately as well as critically.

¡No es así, baboso, intenta otra vez! (Not like that, dum dum, try it again!)


Meaning: bummer, drag

¡Qué bajón que todos tuvimos gripe durante las vacaciones! (It was such a drag that we all had the flu during our vacation!)

Baño Ruso

Literal Meaning: Russian bath

Meaning: spot bath

Mi amiga Yola le dijo a su hijo que tomara un baño ruso: lavarse el cuello, atrás de las orejas, y el rabo. (My friend Yola told her son to take a spot bath: to wash his neck, behind his ears, and his privates.)

Bicho Raro

Literal Meaning: strange bug

Meaning: strange duck

Emily es buena persona, pero es un bicho raro, y los otros chavos se burlan de ella. (Emily is a good person, but she’s a strange duck, and the other kids make fun of her.)


Literal Meaning: bill

Meaning: dough, cash

Claro que quiero acompañarte al concierto, cariño. Pero la pura verdad es que no tengo billete. (Of course I want to go with you to the concert, darling. But the truth is that I don’t have any dough.)


Literal Meaning: hinge

Meaning: pit, armpit

¡Vete a bañar, cabrón! Te apestan las bisagras. (Go take a shower, asshole. Your pits stink.)


Literal Meaning: white ones

Meaning: eggs

Para no preguntar al señor de la tienda si tiene huevos, mi mamá siempre le pide blanquillos. (To avoid asking the man at the shop if he has “huevos” [which means eggs but is slang for “balls”], my mom always asks him for “blanquillos.”)


Meaning: nonsense, ridiculous thing

Andrea está enamoradísima del presidente de la compañía. Sólo dice bobadas cuando está con él. Me da pena por ella porque es una mujer inteligente. (Andrea is totally in love with the president of the company. She says the stupidest things when she is with him. I feel bad for her because she’s an intelligent woman.)


Meaning: Puerto Rican

Mi novio boricua es chaparrito, prieto, y carinoso. (My Puerto Rican boyfriend is short, dark-skinned, and sweet.)


Meaning: state of drunkenness, drinking spree, drunken binge

Se pegó una borrachera tremenda la semana pasada. (He went on a huge drinking spree last week.)


Meaning: a person from the Yucatan

Hola, box. Te veo el jueves en Tulum. (Hi, man. I'll see you on Thursday in Tulum,)


Meaning: hassle, fight, problem

No quiero bronca contigo. (I’m not looking to get into a fight with you.)

Cabeza De Teflón

Literal Meaning: Teflon-head

Meaning: airhead, forgetful person

Juanita, ¡qué cabeza de Teflón eres! ¡Nada se te pega en la cabeza! (Juanita, you’re such an airhead! Nothing sticks in your head!)


Meaning: a person from Baja California

Mi hermano y yo somos de Mexicali, Baja California. Somos cachanillas. (My brother and I are from Mexicali, Baja California. We are cachanillas.)


Meaning: horny

Hace dos meses que no veo a mi mujer. Estoy cachondo. (It’s been two months since I’ve seen my woman. I’m horny.)


Meaning: ball cap


Meaning: a person from Guatemala

Por aquí la poli no friegan a los cachucos en la carretera. (The police around here don’t bother the Guatemalans walking down the road.)

Caer Bien

Meaning: “Caer bien” means that you like someone: it usually refers to people (as opposed to “Me gusta,” which usually refers to things.) In fact, saying “Me gustas” (I like you) is much too strong in most situations, unless you are seriously trying to pick someone up.

Es un buen tipo. Me cae bien. (“He’s a good guy, I like him/he’s cool.”)

Caer Gordo

Meaning: to find a person unappealing

¿Qué piensas de Pedro?
(What do you think of Pedro?)
Me cae gordo. (I don’t like him.)


Meaning: shithole

Este barrio es un cagadero, güey. Es peligroso y asqueroso. (This neighborhood is a shithole, dude. It’s dangerous and disgusting.)


Literal Meaning: stick shitter

Meaning: pain in the ass

Esa cliente sí compra muchos cuadros pero es una cagapalos, güey. Siempre pide que le cambio el color de fondo, o me pide un gran descuento. (That client does buy a lot of paintings but, man, is she a pain in the ass. She always asks me to change the background color, or she asks for a big discount.)


Meaning: heated interrogation

Una calentada es usar métodos extraordinarios para sacar una confesión o información sobre un crimen. (A “heated interrogation” is using extra-strong methods to acquire a confession or information about a crime.)


Meaning: slang

El caló se refiere a vocabulario callejero usado por los chicanos y mexicanos. Viene de la lengua de los gitanos en España. (Caló refers to street slang used by Chicanos and Mexicans. The name comes from the language of Spanish gypsies.)

Calzón Chino

Literal Meaning: Chinese underpants

Meaning: wedgie

Estaba viendo “Los Simpsons” ayer. En este episodio, Bart le da a Milhouse un calzón chino y todos los chavos se rien. Es una broma muy infantil que les cae bien a los muchachos. (I was watching The Simpsons yesterday. In this episode, Bart gives Milhouse a wedgie and all the kids laugh. It’s an immature joke that all the kids love.)


Meaning: pig-headed

¡Qué calzonuda eres! El azul se te ve mejor. ( You’re so obstinate! The blue one looks better on you.)


Literal Meaning: camel

Meaning: dealer

Hay muchos camellos adolescentes en mi vecindario. Temo que los jóvenes y hasta niños van a empezar a comprar y usar drogas. (There are a lot of teenage pushers in my neighborhood. I fear that some young people and even children are going to start buying drugs.)


Meaning: champ

Oye, campeón, trae el periódico a tu papá. Gracias, hijo. (Hey, champ, bring your dad the newspaper. Thanks, son.)

Canela Fina

Literal Meaning: fine cinnamon

Meaning: the very best

Fui con muchos maestros de escultura pero al final topé con Armando canela fina!(I tried a lot of sculpting teachers but finally fell in with Armando the very best!)


Meaning: little devil, rascal

¡Qué canija mi perrita. Ella siempre lleva mis calcetines a su cama! (My dog is such a devil; she always takes my socks to her bed!)


Literal Meaning: cannon shot

Meaning: super big bribe

No pudo resistir el cañonazo
de 500,000 varos. (He couldn’t resist
a huge bribe of 500,000 pesos.


Meaning: to talk in circles

El verbo “cantinflear” quiere decir hablar o actuar de forma incongruente y disparatada, sin decir nada. Viene de la forma de hablar del cómico mexicano Cantinflas, o sea Mario Moreno Reyes. (The verb “cantinflear” means to speak or act in an incongruous or ridiculous manner without saying anything meaningful. It comes from the way of talking of the Mexican comic Cantinflas, or Mario Moreno Reyes.)


Meaning: head waiter, cappy, captain

Todos los meseros fueron a la fiesta del cumple de su capi. Él tiene 25 años trabajando en el restaurante y es muy querido por los otros empleados. (All of the waiters went to the head waiter’s birthday party. He has been working in the restaurant for 25 years and all of the employees love him.)


Literal Meaning: snail

Meaning: a car driven by an idiot

¡Mira ese caracol! El dueño se cree la gran cosa porque tiene un auto con placas del norte, pero mi auto es más bonito que el suyo! (Se le llama “caracol” al auto porque él que lo maneja es un “baboso”. (Look at that "snail"! The owner thinks he’s so hot because he has a car from the North, but my car is nicer than his! [They call the car a snail because in Spanish the word slug [“baboso”], which is inside the snail, is slang for “idiot.”])


Meaning: jalopy

¿Cómo anda tu carcancha? (How’s the ole jalopy running?)

Cascarito / Cascarita

Literal Meaning: little husk

Meaning: old dude / old bag

Ve las cascaritas chismeando en la esquina. (Look at the old bags gossiping on the corner.)


Meaning: a person from Honduras

Honduras tiene una población de menos de 8 millones de personas. La mayoría de los catrachos son mestizos, o sea, personas de sangre europea e indígena. (Honduras has a population of fewer than 8 million people. Most catrachos are mestizos, that is, of mixed European and indigenous blood.)


Literal Meaning: talent hunter

Meaning: headhunter

En la película Amigos con Beneficios, una cazatalentos de Nueva York desarrolla una amistad con algo más con un joven guapo de Los Angeles. (In the movie Friends With Benefits, a young headhunter from New York develops a friendship with something more with a handsome young man from Los Angeles.)

Celoso De Su Deber

Meaning: zealous about his duty; dedicated

Anita trabaja día y noche. Está muy celosa de su deber. (Anita works day and night. She’s very dedicated to her job.)


Literal Meaning: match

Meaning: bag boy / bag girl

A los jóvenes que ponen lo que compras en el supermercado en bolsas o en cajas les dicen cerillos. Hay que darles una propina, pues no les dan sueldo. (They call the young people who put your supermarket purchases in bags or boxes “cerillos.” You should give them a tip, as they don’t receive a salary.)

Chabacano Y Vistoso

Literal Meaning: apricot and showy

Meaning: vulgar and showy / cheap and showy

Luis se cree el gran señor pero en realidad se ve chabacano y vistoso. (Luis thinks he’s some great gentleman but in reality, he looks cheap and showy.)


Meaning: girl, help, maid

Pídele a la chacha que vaya a la tiendita a comprar leche y huevo. Vamos a hacer un pastel. (Ask the girl to go to the shop to buy milk and eggs. We’re going to make a cake.)


Meaning: trinket, knicknack, junk

El mercado de artesanias y dulces tiene puras chácharas. (The handcrafts and sweets market is full
of knicknacks.


Meaning: to shop for junk

Vamos al centro a chacharear. (Let’s go buy stuff downtown.)


Meaning: lousy, cheap, crummy, lame

¡Qué chafa que no me vas a llevar a Europa! Y no me digas que vas a llevar esta maleta chafa. ¡No sirve! (That’s lousy that you aren’t going to take me to Europe. And don’t tell me you’re taking that crummy suitcase. It’s no good!)


Meaning: driver, chauffeur

Cuando gano la lotería voy a comprarme un Jaguar y contratar a un chafirete que me lleve por todos lados. (When I win the lottery I’m going to buy myself a Jaguar and hire a driver to take me all over the place.)


Meaning: No way! Get outta town!

Güey #1: “¿Te gusta mi hermana, no?” Güey #2: “¡Chale!” (Dude #1: You like my sister, huh?” Dude #2: “Get outta here!”)


Meaning: boy, kid, young person, child

¡Qué chamaco más lindo! (“What a sweet boy!”)


Meaning: to work

¡Quiero salir de mi jaula de oro! ¡Quiero chambear! (I want out of my golden cage! I want to work!)


Meaning: boogeyman

De niña estaba convencida de que había un chamuco en el guardarropa. (As a child I was convinced that there was a boogeyman in the closet.)


Literal Meaning: slipper, sandal

Meaning: lesbian

Mi mejor amiga es chancla. (My best friend is a lesbian.)


Literal Meaning: little monkeys

Meaning: Cross your fingers!

Pedro: ¿Vas a Ibiza este verano? (Are you going to Ibiza this summer?) Lola: ¡Changuitos! (With luck!)

Charola (2)

Meaning: badge

Sabía que era policia, pues llevaba uniforme con la charola en el pecho. (I knew he was a policeman because he was wearing a uniform with a badge on his chest.)


Meaning: a person with a small or snub nose, usually used as an affectionate nickname

Oye, chato, no seas así. (Hey, hon [with a small nose], don't be like that!)


Meaning: chick, young girl

Vamos de vacaciones a Puerto Escondido. Entiendo que allí hay unas chavas surfistas a todo dar. (Let’s go to Puerto Escondido for vacation. I hear there are some righteous surfer chicks there.)


Meaning: kid, boy, young dude

Vamos a reunirnos todos los chavos esta noche en el cine del centro. (All of us kids are going to meet at the downtown cinema tonight.)


Meaning: check it out

Chécalo, güey, ahí anda tu papá. (Check it out, dude, there goes your dad.)


Literal Meaning: blonde

Meaning: beer, brewski

¡Vamos a tomar una chelita! (Let’s go have a beer!)


Meaning: beer, brewski

¡Me muero por una cheve! (“I’m dying for a beer!”)


Meaning: awesome

¡Qué chévere es este hotel! Tiene un restaurante japonés fabuloso y un bar donde en la noche, llegan gente de súper buena onda. El baño de nuestra recámara tiene tina de baño al aire libre con una increíble vista del mar. (This hotel is awesome! It has a fabulous Japanese restaurant and a bar where a cool crowd gathers at night. The bathroom in our room has an incredible view of the ocean from the outdoor bathtub.)


Meaning: A person from Mexico City (common usage) OR An unsophisticated person (from the sticks) now living in Mexico City
The word derives from the word “chile”; presumably these less-sophisticated transplants ate lots of it. When most people (except Mexico City natives!) use the word they are using the first definition. Its tone is slightly pejorative or ironic, having much the same tone as the word “gringo,” referring to someone from the United States.


Meaning: Mexico City

¿Dónde naciste? En Chilangolandia. (Where were you born? In the Land of the Chilangos.)


Meaning: ragamuffin; poorly dressed

¡Oye, tú! Vamos a la fiesta y tú, chilapastroso. Hey, man! We’re going out to party and you looking like a ragamuffin.)


Meaning: to fuck, to fuck with, to fuck around

No estés chingando, güey. (Stop fucking around, dude.)


Meaning: a whole lot; a ton; a bunch

Mi novio tiene un chingo de problemas en el trabajo. (My boyfriend has a bunch of problems
at work.


Meaning: Awesome

Tu nueva cocina se ve chingón! (“Your new kitchen looks awesome!)

Chipi Chipi

Meaning: sprinkling, spitting

Parece que quiere llover, pero en estos días sólo se ha hecho chipi chipi. (It looks like rain, but the last few days it’s just been sprinkling.)


Meaning: the star, the best

Gilberto es el chipocludo de la clase de arte. Es el mejor pintor y el que más vende. (Gilberto is the star of our art class. He’s the best painter and the one who sells the most.)


Meaning: babied, spoiled

Irma, no le des todo lo que pide al niño. Lo tienes bien chiquido. (Irma, don’t give the child everything he asks for. You really spoil him.)


Meaning: dumb luck

Fue de chiripa que me encontré con Pedro en Paris. (It was just dumb luck that I ran into Pedro in Paris.)


Meaning: gossip (person), gossipy (adjective)

¡Qué chismoso eres! (“You’re such a gossip!”)


Meaning: homeopath

Voy al chochero de la calle San Francisco. El es muy bueno. Me curó de parásitos con acupuntura y medicina homeopático. (I’m going to the homeopath on San Francisco Street. He cured me of parasites with acupuncture and homeopathic pills.)


Meaning: homeopathic pills

Visite un médico homeópata y pida chochos para una cura natural y efectivo. (Visit a homeopathic doctor and ask for homeopathic pills for a natural and effective cure.)


Meaning: driver

Oye, chof, déjame en la esquina, porfas. (Hey, driver, drop me at the corner, please.)


Meaning: head

En la península de Yucatán usan la palabra “chola” para decir la cabeza. Por ejemplo: Me duele la chola. Tomé demasiado xtabentún anoche en la reunión. (In the Yucatan peninsula, they use the word “chola” for “head.” For example: “My head hurts. I drank too much Xtabentun at the meeting last night.”)


Meaning: a person from Los Cabos

Ella es chollera, la tierra
de las chollas. (She’s a “chollera,” [from Los Cabos], the land of the
cholla cactus.


Meaning: fat, fatty

Oye, choncho, ¿quieres otro dona? (Hey, fatty, do you want another donut?)


Meaning: underwear

Quita tus chones sucios del suelo. (Pick your dirty underwear up
off the floor.


Meaning: a ton; a bunch; a whole lot

No puedo venir. Tengo un
chorro de trabajo. (I can’t come
over. I have a ton of work.


Literal Meaning: crooked, twisted

Meaning: crooked, illegal, corrupt

Buscamos el oficial chueco para arreglar mis papeles. (Let’s look for the crooked official and get my documents in order.)


Literal Meaning: to suck

Meaning: to drink

Vamos a chupar unos vinitos. (Let’s go drink some [glasses of] wine.)


Meaning: strike

¡Felicidades, otra chuza! Eresla reina del boliche. (Congratulations, another strike! You are the queen of bowling!)


Literal Meaning: big fat fifty

Meaning: fifty-something

Aunque el señor Guerrero es un cinquentón se me hace bien sexy. (Even though Mr. Guerrero is fifty-something, I think he’s really sexy.)


Meaning: pig

Esteban es un cochino. Su higiene es horrible y trata muy mal a su mujer. (Esteban is a pig. He has horrible hygiene and he treats his wife really badly.)


Literal Meaning: coconut

Meaning: head

El pobre se pegó el coco. (“The poor guy hit his head.”)


Literal Meaning: to grab, to take

Meaning: to screw, to get it on

Pedrito: Oye ¿quieres coger? (Hey, ya wanna get it on?) Lola: ¡Idiota! (You jerk!)

Colgarse Los Tenis

Literal Meaning: to hang up your tennis shoes

Meaning: to die

Mario se colgó los tenis. Nunca será lo mismo nuestro equipo de beis. (Mario died. Our baseball team will never be the same.)


Meaning: pig, glutton

Carlos es un comelón. Cuando le invitamos a comer, se acaba con todo y luego me pregunta qué hay para el postre. (Carlos is a pig. When we invite him to eat, he polishes off everything and then asks me what’s for dessert.)

Comerse El Mandado

Meaning: To steal one’s chance / to get the jump on

Esperaba un buen rato para ganar la posición de mesero en el restaurant donde trabajo, pero Felipe me comió el mandado. Tengo que seguir lavando platos un rato más. (I waited a long time to get the waiter job at the restaurant where I work, but Felipe got the job. I’ll have to keep washing dishes for a while more.)


Meaning: buddy, pal

La palabra “compita” es diminutivo para “compa” que a su vez es diminutivo para “compadre”. Un compadre es el cuate que es el padrino de tu hijo, pero se usa también para los amigos cercanos. Por ejemplo “Déjame saludar a mis compadres (o compas o compitas) y luego nos vamos. (The word "compita" is diminutive for "compa" which in turn is a slang or diminutive of the word for "godfather". “Compadre” is the word for the guy who is the godfather of your child, but is used for close friends as well. For example: "Just let me say hello to my buddies (compadres, compas, or compitas) and then we will go.)


Meaning: shopoholic

Mi hermana no se puede controlar en las compras; es una compradicto. (My sister can’t control herself when shopping. She’s a shopoholic.)

Con Todo Y Trompa

Literal Meaning: with everything and a spinning top

Meaning: the whole ball of wax, everything

Yo sé que Tomasina no va a volver. Pues se fue con todo y trompa. (I know that Tomasina isn’t coming back. She left with everything she owns.)


Literal Meaning: rabbit keeper

Meaning: mugger

Cuídado con los conejeros. Este barrio no me convence. (Watch out for muggers. I’m not so sure about this neighborhood.)


Literal Meaning: rabbit

Meaning: a person from Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas

Pedro: Qué coneja más guapa. (What a pretty “rabbit.”) Juan: Pues sí, hermano. Es de Tuxtla! (Well, yeah, brother she’s from Tuxtla!)


Meaning: mouthy, snotty

Esa muchacha es contestona, no sabe quedarse callada. (That girl is mouthy, she doesn’t know how to keep her mouth shut.)


Meaning: hot-tempered, quick-tempered

No le voy a decir nada a Ernesto sobre lo que has hecho. Es corajudo y no sé cómo reaccionaría. (I’m not going to say anything to Ernesto about what you’ve done. He’s hot-tempered and I don't know how he would react.)


Meaning: hunch, feeling, premonition

Tuve una corazonada que lo viera en la boda de mi prima, y así fue. (I had a feeling I would see him at my cousin’s wedding, and that’s what happened.)

Cosita Linda

Meaning: pretty little thing

Oye, cosita linda, vamos a salir este fin de semana. (Hey, pretty little thing, let’s go out this weekend.)


Meaning: to gab, to chit chat, to chat

Fede me estaba cotorreando toda la noche. No dijo nada de importancia pero me hizo reír. (Fede was chatting with me all night. He didn’t say anything of importance, but he made me laugh.)

Cuenta Chiles

Literal Meaning: chilie pepper counter

Meaning: cheapskate

Mari es una cuenta chiles. Aunque vive con nosotros sin que le cobremos renta y come con nosotros casi todos los días, me pide el dinero cada que le encargo dos o tres huevitos del tianguis. (Maria is a cheapskate. Even though she lives with us for free and eats with us almost every day, she asks me to give her money every time I ask her to pick up two or three eggs at the market.)


Meaning: soap (opera)

Mi mamá está adicta a los culebrones. (My mom is addicted to the soaps.)


Meaning: a person from Culiacán, Sinaloa

Mi suegro es de los viejos culiches que se encuentran en la plaza, pasando el rato y hablando de sus aventuras de hace cincuenta años. (My father-in-law is one of the old men of Culiacán that you'll find in the plaza, passing the time and talking about his adventures of fifty years ago.)


Literal Meaning: priest

Meaning: cool, awesome

La fiesta estuvo bien cura, ¡nos quedamos hasta la seis de la mañana! (The party was awesome; we stayed until six in the morning!)


Meaning: résumé, curriculum vitae

Sigla para curriculum vitae, la CV es un resumen del trabajo, experiencia, y escuela de uno que se presenta al buscar trabajo o solicitar admisión a la universidad. (The Spanish acronym CV stands for

Dar Chayote

Literal Meaning: to give chayote (a green vegetable)

Meaning: to bribe under difficult circumstances

El político dio chayote al reportero para que escribiera un artículo favorable sobre su campaña. (The politician bribed the reporter so that he would write a favorable article about his campaign.)

Dar El Avión

Meaning: to pretend to listen to

Yo le platicaba a mi hermana de mi cita con el guapo de la esquina pero me ella dio el avión. (I was telling my sister about my date with the cute guy who lives on the corner but she was only pretending to listen to me.)

Darle A Uno El Avión

Meaning: to shine someone on, to blow them off

Pablo decía que quería casarse conmigo, pero a fin de cuentas me daba el avión. (Pablo always said he wanted to marry me, but he was really just shining me on.)

Darle Chicharrón

Literal Meaning: to give him/it/her fried pork rinds

Meaning: to kill or to end something

Van a darle chicharrón los pandilleros al proyecto de la recuperación del parquecito. ¡Qué lástima! Pero por lo menos no van a darme chicharrón a mí misma! (The gang members are going to kill the project to restore the little park. What a shame! But at least they’re not going to kill me.)

Darle La Mano Del Gato

Meaning: to freshen up, to give a once over

El jardinero vino ayer para limpiar el jardín, pero sólo tuvo de tiempo de darle una mano de gato. Mientras tanto, yo estuve en el baño dandome una mano de gato antes de salir con mis amigas. (The gardener came yesterday to work in the garden, but he only had time to do a superficial cleanup. Meanwhile, I was in the bathroom freshening up before going out with my friends.)

De Acá Para Allá

Meaning: back and forth

¡Decídete, pues! No voy a correr de acá para allá toda la pinche noche. (Decide, already! I’m not going to be running back and forth all damn night.)

De Chiripada

Meaning: perhaps, with luck

Mi mamá compró unos pastelitos ricos en la panadería de la esquina. Voy corriendo para ver si de chiripada haya todavía. (My mom bought some delicious pastries at the corner bakery. I’m going to run over there and see if perhaps they still have some.)

De Harina Y Huevo

Literal Meaning: from flour and egg

Meaning: daily, every day

Jeanne es muy disciplinada. Pinta de harina y huevo. (Jeanne is very disciplined. She paints every day.)

De Película

Literal Meaning: like a movie

Meaning: perfect, excellent, fantastic

¿Cómo estuvo el baile? Pues, ¡de película! El grupo de rock tocó sus propias canciones, todas muy buenas, y todos los chavos de la uni asisterieron. Me quedé hasta las tres de la madrugada. (How was the dance? Well, it was fantastic! The rock band played their own songs, all great, and all the boys from the university were there. I stayed until three in the morning.)

De Pocas Pulgas

Literal Meaning: having few fleas

Meaning: short-tempered, having a short fuse

Steve es de pocas pulgas, y la mayoría del tiempo son sus niños los de sufren por su mal humor. (Steve has a short fuse, and most of the time it’s his kids that suffer from his bad mood.)


Meaning: to finger (someone)

Jaime dedó a don Pancho y luego tuvo que huir del pueblo. (Jaime fingered don Pancho and then had to flee from town.)

Dedo Gordo

Literal Meaning: fat finger

Meaning: thumb

Desde que se fue a vivir a Los Angeles, María pinta su cabello rojo fuerte, cambió su nombre a “Mariposa”, y trae un anillo en cada dedo, hasta en el dedo gordo y los dedos del pie. (Since she moved to Los Angeles, María has colored her hair dark red, changed her name to “Butterfly,” and worn a ring on each finger, even her thumbs and toes.)


Meaning: A person from Mexico City, or el “D.F.”


Meaning: apartment

Rento depa con tres recámaras, dos baños completos, sala de estar, cocineta, jardín pequeño y patio de servicio. (Apartment for rent with three bedrooms, two full baths, living room, kitchenette, small garden/backyard and service patio.)

Descarado / Descarada

Meaning: a shameless or rude person

a shameless or rude person


Meaning: snafu, disaster, screw-up, fuck-up

La llegada de los españoles para los indígenas fue un desmadre.
(The arrival of the Spaniards was a disaster for the indigenous people.)

Don Nadie

Meaning: a nobody, a lightweight

No te preocupes por Renaldo. Es un don Nadie y no hay nadie que lo quiere. (Don’t worry about Renaldo. He’s a nobody and no one likes him.)

Don Perfecto

Literal Meaning: Sir Perfect

Meaning: Mr. Right

Sonia no quiere salir con Pedro. Está esperando a don Perfecto. (Sonia doesn’t want to go out with Pedro. She’s waiting for Mr. Right.)

Dos Patas Zurdas

Meaning: two left feet

Juanita no sabe bailar bien la salsa. Tiene dos patas zurdas. (Juanita doesn’t dance salsa well. She has two left feet.)

Dos Tres

Meaning: so-so

Pepito: ¿Qué tal el restaurant? (How was the restaurant?) Paquita: Mmmm, dos tres. No me gustó lo que pedí. (Ummm, so-so. I didn’t like what I ordered.)

Échame Aguas.

Meaning: Keep a lookout.

Los dueños de la casona están de vacaciones. Voy a entrar por la puerta de atrás. Tú me echas aguas aquí enfrente. (The owners of the big house are on vacation. I’m going to enter through the back door. You keep a lookout here in front.)

Echar A Patadas

Meaning: to kick someone out

Siliva está super enojada con Jorge. Lo echó a patadas. (Silvia is very angry with Jorge. She kicked him out.)

Echar Novio

Meaning: to get a boyfriend

¡Piénsalo, papi! Elenita va
a cumplir 14 años; cualquier día va a echar novio... (Just think, daddy! Elenita is going to be 14 years old;
any day now she’s going to get a boyfriend.

Echar Relajo

Meaning: to have a blast, to party hearty

A Manolo le encanta farrear. La semana pasada fue a una fiesta en el campo y me dijo que echaron relajo de las nueve de la noche hasta la madrugada. (Manolo loves to party. Last week he went to a party out in the countryside and he told me that they partied hearty from about nine at night to early morning.)

Echarle A Patadas

Meaning: to kick [someone] out

¡Vamonos de aquí! ¡Acaban de echarle a Esteban a patadas del bar! (Let’s get out of here! They just kicked Esteban out of the bar!)

Echarle La Sal

Meaning: to jinx

Todo me va bien. No me eches la sal. (Everything’s going well. Don’t jinx me.)

El Chiste Es ...

Meaning: The things is ...

Danica quiere ser mi dama de honor, igual que mi hermana Marlena. El chiste es que Anita es mi mejor amiga y me apoya en todo lo que hago. Prefiero que sea ella. (Both Danica and my sister Marlene want to be my maid of honor. The thing is that Anita is my best friend, and she supports me in everything that I do. I would prefer it be her.)

El Cordonazo

Literal Meaning: the smack with the cord

Meaning: an autumn weather phenomenon

Con lluvias fuertes, rachas de viento, truenos y relámpagos, el cordonazo, o cordonazo de San Francisco, es el nombre de un fenómeno atmosférico que se da alrededor del día de San Francisco (el 4 de octubre). El nombre “cordonazo” tiene que ver con el cordón que usaba San Francisco y los franciscanos. La gente dice que señala el final de la temporada de lluvias. (With strong rain showers, wind gusts, thunder and lightning, the “cordonazo” is the name of the weather phenomenon that happens around the feast day of Saint Francis (October 4). The name relates to the cord that Saint Francis and the Franciscans wore around the waist. People think that the cordonazo signals the end of the rainy season.)

El Mal De Ojo

Meaning: the evil eye

A Bárbara todo le va mal. Creo que alguien le puso el mal de ojo. (Everything’s going wrong for Barbara. I think someone gave her the evil eye.)

El Mero Chingón

Meaning: the big shot, head honcho

No te puedo ayudar; tendrás que hablar con el mero chingón. (I can’t help you; you’ll have to speak to the head honcho.)

El Mero Mero Petatero

Literal Meaning: the main main petate (fiber mat) maker

Meaning: the head honcho, big cheese

Ahí va el mero mero petatero del club. Vamos a saludarlo. (There goes the club’s head honcho. Let’s go say hello.)

El Pilón

Meaning: In Ecuador they call it la yapa, that extra measure a vendor gives you for buying in quantity. In Mexico it’s el pilón. The closest thing in English is ‘a baker’s dozen.’

Deme 4 kilos de naranjas. ¡No se le olvide el pilón! (Give me 4 kilos of oranges, and don’t forget my extra bit!)

El Sexo Débil

Meaning: the weaker sex

“El sexo débil” quiere decir las mujeres. En muchos sentidos no es más débil la mujer que el hombre; hoy en día el término es ofensivo y arcaíco para muchas personas de ambos sexos. (“The weaker sex” refers to women. In many ways women are not weaker than men; today the term is considered offensive and archaic to many people of both sexes.)


Meaning: to get drunk

¡Qué fiesta la de anoche! Hasta la señora Purificación se empedó! (What a party last night! Even Mrs. Purificación got drunk.)

En Calidad De Bulto

Literal Meaning: like a heavy object in a sack

Meaning: like a bump on a log

Trabajé todo el día y noche de ayer y hoy no quiero hacer nada. Estoy en calidad de bulto. (Yesterday I worked all day and night and today I don’t want to do anything. I feel like a bump on a log.)


Literal Meaning: midget

Meaning: little one, kid

Cuidado con lo que digas. Aunque no lo creas, el enano a veces repite en la escuela lo que escucha en casa. (Be careful what you say. Believe it or not, the little one sometimes repeats at school what he hears around the house.)


Meaning: naked

¡Mira no más! Ellas están encueradas! (¡Look! They [females] are naked!”)


Meaning: to get naked

¡Encuérate! (Get naked/Take off your clothes!)


Meaning: grouchy, prickly

¿Qué le pasa a Manuel? No come casi nada y es más enojón que nunca. (What’s up with Manuel? He eats almost nothing and is even more prickly than usual.)

Entre Azul Y Medianoche

Literal Meaning: between blue and midnight

Meaning: kind of blue (sad)

Mi perrita se me murió y mi novio se fue a trabajar. Estoy entre azul y medianoche. (My dog died and my boyfriend left to work. I’m kind of blue.)

Entregar El Equipo

Literal Meaning: turn in the equipment

Meaning: kick the bucket

¿No escuchaste? El Sr. Mario entregó el equipo después de estar enfermo durante mucho tiempo. (Didn’t you hear? Mr. Mario kicked the bucket after a long illness.)


Literal Meaning: Mexican hairless dog

Meaning: kid, brat

¿Qué hacen estos escuincles por aquí? (What are those brats doing here?)

Está Canijo.

Analogous Saying: That’s difficult; It’s messed up.

Si este auto no se mueve antes de las 9, está canija la situación, pues no podemos sacar el nuestro de allí. (If this car isn’t moved before 9, we’re messed up, as we can’t get ours out of there.)

Está De Pelos.

Meaning: That’s hot! That’s cool!

Vi un nuevo grupo de rock que está de pelos! (I saw a new rock band that’s really hot!)

Estar Chingado

Meaning: to be screwed

[Ramón] Puse todo mi dinero
en la bolsa. (I put all my money in
the stock market.
[Lola] Estás chingado, guey. (You’re fucked up, man.)

Estar En La Gloria

Literal Meaning: to be in heaven

Meaning: to be in seventh heaven

Pedrito ganó primer premio para su dibujo de Presidente Lázaro Cárdenas, su heroe. ¡Este niño ahora está en la gloria! (Pedrito won first prize for his drawing of President Lázaro Cárdenas, his hero. Now the boy is in seventh heaven.)

Estar Flechado

Meaning: to be love struck

Mi hermano adolescente ha sido flechado de la señora que nos limpia la casa. (My teenage brother is love struck for the lady who cleans our house.)

Estar Hasta La Madre

Meaning: to be totally fed up, to be sick to death of

Hubo una manifestación en el zócalo del D.F. en contra la violencia de la guerra contra los traficantes. Los manifestantes dijeron que están hasta la madre con la violencia. (There was a demonstration in Mexico City’s zocalo, or main plaza, against the violence of the the war against drug traffickers. The protesters said they are sick to death of the violence.)

Estar Hasta Las Narices

Literal Meaning: to be up to the nostrils

Meaning: to be fed up with

Estoy hasta las narices con
tus pendejadas. Déjame en paz. (I’m fed up with your nonsense. Leave me alone.)

Estar Mamey

Meaning: to be buffed out, to be muscular

Oye, tú, Carlitos, ¿qué ya estás yendo todos los días al gimnasio? ¡Estás bien mamey, güey! (Hey, Carlitos, are you going to the gym every day now? You’re really buffed out, dude!)

Estar Pedo

Meaning: to be blasted/extremely drunk

Vete a la casa, pendejo. Estás pedo. (Go home, asswipe. You’re ripped.)

Estáte Trucha.

Meaning: Be ready; smart; alert.

Ya viene la poli. Estáte trucha. (Here come the cops. Be on your toes.)
Estirar La Pata

Literal Meaning: to stretch the leg

Meaning: to kick the bucket

Mi pobre perro viejo estiró la pata anoche. Lo voy a echar de menos. (My poor old dog kicked the bucket last night. I’m going to miss him.)


Meaning: peacock, loudmouth, show-off

Ese viejo se cree mucho. Es un fanfarrón. (That old guy is so full of himself. He’s a peacock.)


Meaning: to party

Julia tiene 70 años pero todavía le encanta farrear. (Julia is 70 years old but she still loves to party.)


Meaning: contraband

En ese mercado vas a encontrar mucha fayuca: cosas robadas o traídas del extrangero no legalmente. (At that market you’ll find a lot of contraband: things that have been stolen or brought illegally from outside Mexico.)


Meaning: peeping Tom

Pon atención, escuché que anda un fisgón por aquí. (Be on the lookout, I heard there’s a Peeping Tom hanging around here.)

Fodongo / Fodonga

Meaning: sloppy, disheveled, messy

¡No seas fodongo! Has puesto esta camisa tres días seguidos y aparte de eso, es muy feo! (Don’t be such a slob! You’ve had the same shirt on for three days, and anyway it is really ugly!)


Meaning: cigarette, butt

Dame un frajo, compa. (Give me a cigarette, bud.)


Meaning: car watcher, parking space finder

El franelero me buscó un lugar para estacionar el coche y me lo cuidó. Le di 10 pesos de propina. (The car watcher found me a parking space and kept an eye on my car. I gave him a 10 peso tip.)


Meaning: smelly, stinky, unpleasant, also kinky or corrupt

Smells baby's dirty diaper; drives by an open sewer: Fuchi! ¡Que mal huele! (Gross! That really stinks!)


Literal Meaning: fire

Meaning: cold sore

¡No me beses! Me está saliendo un fuego. (Don’t kiss me. I’m getting a cold sore.)


Meaning: show off, pseudo-accomplished, ostentatious, pretentious

El llegó a la fiesta bien fufurufo
en su nuevo Mercedes. (He came to the party showing off in his new Mercedes.)


Meaning: what’s his name, whosit, generic ‘guy’

¿Quién va? Ese fulano de la oficina. (“Who will go? That guy from the office.”)

Fulano De Tal

Meaning: John Doe, so-and-so

No es nadie, es un fulano de tal. (


Meaning: A slightly pejorative word referring to someone from the United States or to a Mexican, usually in the US, who acts like a gringo. It can also be used as an adjective referring to the United States or something American. (To a Spaniard, a “gabacho” usually refers to someone from France .)

Ese gabacho ni siquiera habla español! (“That gabacho doesn’t even speak Spanish.”)

Galleta De Animalitos

Literal Meaning: animal cracker

Meaning: nice, but common

¿Has visto la novia de Chuy? Es galleta de animalitos. (Have you seen Chuy’s girlfriend? She’s cute but common.)


Meaning: cool

¡Genial! ¡Te veo allí! (Cool! I’ll see you there!)

Gente Bien

Meaning: affluent people / wealthy people

Mis abuelos eran gente bien, pero mi madre perdió todo el dinero. (My grandparents were well off, but my mother lost all the money.)


Meaning: rube

Voy a buscarme un gil para comprar estas cosillas. (I’m going to look for a rube to buy this junk.)


Meaning: freeloader, scrounge

Vámonos! Ahí viene esa gorrón, Silvia. Siempre quiere que le compre una copa o diez. (Let’s split! Here comes that freeloader Silvia. She always wants me to buy her a drink or ten.)

Grosero / Grosera

Meaning: vulgar, uncouth, crude, gross

¡Qué grosero eres! Comes con las manos, escupes en la calle, y siempre usas groserías. ¡Qué poca madre tienes! (You are so gross! You eat with your hands, spit in the street, and are always swearing. You’re such a low-life!)


Literal Meaning: a type of llama that lives in Central and South America

Meaning: a person from El Salvador

Soy guanaco pero vivo en México desde hace veinte años, cuando me casé con una yucateca linda. Extraño mucho a mi pais, El Salvador. (I am a guanaco but I’ve lived in Mexico for twenty years, since I married a pretty lady from Yucatan state. I really miss my country, El Salvador.)

Guarro / Guarra

Meaning: a rude, ignorant, or gross person

En México, la palabra guarro puede usarse para describir alguien grosero, ignorante, mal educado, o cochino. En otros países tiene otros significados, así ten cuidado cómo la usas, y con quien. (In Mexico, the word guarro might be used to describe someone who is rude, ignorant, or gross. In other countries it has different meanings, so be careful how you use it, and with whom.)


Meaning: bodyguard

Ese tipo es mafioso; nunca le ves sin su guarura. (That guy’s a mafia type; you never see him without his bodyguard.)


Meaning: a person from Cuernavaca, a person from Morelos State

Vamos a vivir a Cuernavaca. Mis suegros son guayabos y insisten que váyamos a vivir en su bella y querida ciudad, la cual tiene el sobrenombre, “la Ciudad de Primavera Perpetua”. (We’re going to live in Cuernavaca. My in-laws are from Cuernavaca and they insist that we go live in their beautiful, beloved city, which has the nickname “City of Eternal Spring.”)

Güiri Güiri

Meaning: small talk / gossip

No me gusta reunirme con este grupito de compañeros. Es puro güiri güiri, no platican nada interesante. (I don’t like to get together with that little group of friends. It’s all just gossip, they don’t talk about anything interesting.)

Hacer Cola

Literal Meaning: to make a tail

Meaning: to stand on/in line, to form a line, to form a queue

Vamos a llegar temprano, güey. Si la banda es tan buena como dicen, vamos a hacer cola para comprar los boletos para el concierto. (Let’s get there early, dude. If the band is as good as they say it is, we’re gonna have to stand in line to buy concert tickets.)

Hacer Sus Necesidades

Meaning: do his business

Saqué a pasear a mi perro para hacer sus necesidades. (I took my dog for a walk to do his business.)

Hacer Talacha

Meaning: to work, do chores, do manual labor

Quisiera acompañarte, pero mi vieja quiere que haga talacha en la casa. (I’d like to go with you, but my old lady wants me to do some work at home.)

Hacer Un Cambalache

Meaning: to swap, to trade

Hice un cambalache con Fede. Él quería mi colección de discos de Elvis y yo, su computadora. (I made a trade with Fede. He wanted my collection of Elvis records and I wanted his computer.)


Literal Meaning: fed up, too much

Meaning: a lot, tons

De la costa vienen harto mango y coco. (We get tons of mango and coconuts from the coast.)

Hasta La Madre

Literal Meaning: tothe mother

Meaning: totally fed up, entirely fed up

Estoy hasta la madre con la compañía de cable. Por lo menos cada ocho días se corta el servicio. (I am totally fed up with the cable company. At least once a week the service goes out.)
Hecho Pinole

Meaning: trashed, pooped

He trabajado en mi reportaje durante dos días sin parar. Estoy hecho pinole. (I’ve worked on my report for two days without stopping. I’m trashed.)


Meaning: a person from Aguascalientes

Los hidrocálidos, tanto de la ciudad como del estado, son famosos por su canto. (People from Aguascalientes, both the city and the state of the same name, are famous for their sing-song speech.)

Hijo De La Tostada

Meaning: son of the tostada

Esta frase es un eufemismo para “hijo de la chingada”. El insulto se suaviza usando este modismo que suena similar a la frase original. (This phrase is a euphemism, equivalent to saying “son of a gun” instead of “son of a bitch.”)


Meaning: tons

Aprendí horrores.
(I learned a ton.)

Huele Pedos

Literal Meaning: fart smeller

Meaning: brown noser

Octavio es un huele pedos. Siempre trae regalos a la maestra. (Octavio is a brown noser. He always brings gifts to the teacher.)


Literal Meaning: Someone who can smell the mole sauce [cooking]

Meaning: party crasher, busybody, gate crasher

Samuel es un huelemoles. Siempre que alguien trae donas, o hay chisme interesante, él aparece luego luego. (Samuel is a busybody. Every time someone brings donuts, or there is some interesting gossip, he shows up right away.)


Meaning: kid

Ese hurquillo es de Zihua; no sé que hace por aquí. (That kid is from Zihuatanejo; I don’t know what he’s doing here.)

Irse Con La Fina

Meaning: to get faked out

Le dije que el carro lo usaba mi abuelita sólo para ir a la misa, y se fue con la fina. (I told her that my grandmother only used the car to go to church, and she bought it.)

Irse De Mojado

Literal Meaning: to go as a wet one (from the term 'wetback' or 'mojado')

Meaning: to emigrate illegally

José se fue de mojado a trabajar de lavaplatos, dejando a su esposa y siete hijos. (José went [illegally] to work as a dishwasher, leaving behind his wife and seven children.)

Irse De Pinta

Meaning: ditch (school)

¡No quiero ir a esa clase de mierda! ¡Vamos de pinta! (I don’t want to go to that crappy class! Let’s ditch!)


Meaning: a person from Veracruz

Mi esposo es muy cariñoso.
Es jarocho, pues. (My husband is very loving. Well, he’s from Veracruz.)


Meaning: hot dog

[Juan]: Vamos por unos jochos. [Maria]: ¡Guácala! (Juan: Let's go for some hot dogs. Maria: Gross!)

La Gran Manzana

Meaning: the Big Apple (NYC)

Mis sobrinas están emocionadas de viajar a la Gran Manzana; nunca han salido de Nueva Jersey.(My nieces are excited about visiting the Big Apple; they’ve never left New Jersey.)

La Hora Pico

Meaning: rush hour

Si lo puedes evitar, es mejor no meterte al metro durante la hora pico de tráfico. Hay muchísima gente, y te podrán robar o manosear. (If at all possible, don’t take the subway during peak traffic hours. There are tons of people, and you could be robbed or groped.)

La Ofi

Meaning: the office

Te veo en la ofi. (“I’ll see you at the office.”)

La Pantalla Chica

Meaning: the small screen

Dos actores reconocidos de la pantalla chica son Jamie Lynn Spears y Regis Philbin. (Two well-known actors of the small screen are Jamie Lynn Spears and Regis Philbin.)

La Pantalla Grande

Meaning: the big screen (the movies)

Son pocos los actores que empiecen en televisión para luego tener éxito en la pantalla grande. (Few actors start on TV to later achieve success in the movies.)

La Rebancha

Meaning: payback

¡Voy a tomarme la rebancha! (I'm going to get my revenge.)

La Tira

Meaning: the fuzz, the cops

La tira anda buscando víctimas. (The fuzz are out looking for victims.)

La Uni

Meaning: university, college

Seré la primera de mi familia a ir a la universidad. Todos mis hermanos trabajan en el campo, pero yo he estudiado harto y sacado buenas notas. Me dieron una beca para ir a la uni. (I will be the first in my family to go to college. All my brothers and sisters work in the fields, but I have studied really hard and gotten good grades. I got a scholarship to go to college.)


Meaning: kiss ass

Deja de ser lambiache y haz lo que tienes que hacer. (Stop being a kiss ass and do what you have to do.)


Literal Meaning: wool

Meaning: dough, cash

No puedo ir con ustedes a Cancún. La triste verdad es que no tengo lana. (I can’t go with you all to Cancun. The sad truth is I have no dough.)

Las Partes Nobles

Literal Meaning: the noble parts

Meaning: the family jewels

Las Patrullas

Literal Meaning: officers on the beat

Meaning: feet

Quítate las calcetines, mi amor, y lávate las patrullas. Apestan. (Take off your socks, my love, and wash your feet. They stink.)


Meaning: pick-up, kidnapping

Los narcos planearon un levantón de su enemigo. (The drug traffickers planned a pick-up of their enemy.)


Literal Meaning: lanterns

Meaning: eyes, peepers

¡Qué linternas más azules tiene! (Her peepers are so blue!)


Literal Meaning: full, filled up (diminutive)

Meaning: chubby

Mi prima está llenita,
pero muy guapa. (My cousin is chubby, but very pretty.)

Loco De Remate

Meaning: out of his/her mind

¿Eres loco de remate? ¡No podemos entrar sin dinero! (Are you out of your mind? We can’t go in without money!)


Meaning: spare tire

Voy a ponerme a dieta. ¡Estoy harta de esta lonja! (I’m going on a diet. I’m sick of this spare tire!)


Literal Meaning: to cut it with a machete

Meaning: to go all out, to go for it

Le voy a machetear para aprender sueco. Voy a viajar a Suecia en seis semanas y quiero poder comunicarme con la gente. (I’m going to go all out to learn Swedish. I’m going to go there in six weeks and I want to be able to communicate.)


Meaning: traitor

El término malinche viene de la esclava, mujer, y traductora de Hernán Cortés, Malinztin, una joven de la region de Tabasco. (The term malinche comes from Hernán Cortés’ slave, mistress, and translator, Malinztin, a young woman from the area around Tabasco.)

Mana / Manita

Meaning: lil' sis, sister

¿Qué húbole, manita? Acabo de ver a Dolores y nos invitó a conocer su hermano mayor, Luis. ¡Vámonos! (What’s goin’ on, lil’ sis? I just saw Dolores and she invited us to come over and meet her older brother, Luis. Let’s go!)

Mandar Freir Aspáragos

Literal Meaning: To tell someone to go fry asparagus

Meaning: To tell someone to go take a hike

Después de todo lo que he hecho por Karina, pidió que yo le cuidara a sus cinco niños. Le mandé freir aspáragos. (After everything I’ve done for Karina, she asked me to watch her five children. I told her to go take a hike.)


Literal Meaning: big apron

Meaning: hen-pecked husband or boyfriend

¡Qué mandilón es mi hermano! Tiene que pedirle permiso a su esposa hasta para ir al baño. (My brother is hen-pecked! He has to get his wife’s permission just to go to the bathroom.)

Mano Duro

Literal Meaning: hard hand

Meaning: firm hand

Estos chavos están fuera de control. Necesitan una mano duro. (Those kids are out of control. They need a firm hand.)

Manos De Aguacate

Literal Meaning: avocado hands

Meaning: butterfingers

¡Manos de aguacate, tú! ¡Rompiste mi tetera de porcelana! (You butterfingers! You broke my porcelain teapot!)

Manos De Estómago

Literal Meaning: stomach hands

Meaning: destructo

Dieguito, ¡tienes manos de estómago! ¡Todo lo que tocas, lo destruyes! (Dieguito, you’re a destructo! Everything you touch, you destroy!)

Manos De Mantequilla

Literal Meaning: butter hands

Meaning: butterfingers

No permito que Pepito toque mis animalitos de vidrio. ¡Tiene manos de mantequilla! (I don’t let Pepito touch my glass animal statuettes. He’s a butterfingers!)


Meaning: to grope, feel up, manhandle

Se fue de la casa porque su padrastro le empezó a manosear. (She left her home because her stepfather began groping her.)


Meaning: dyke

Mi hermana es chancla. Anda en Nueva York con su novia marimacha. (My sister is a lesbian. She’s in New York with her dyke girlfriend.)


Meaning: million/s (of) dollars

Según se reportó el jueves, el medio más importante de México invertirá 1,600 mdd para obtener el 50 por ciento de las acciones de una compañía de teléfonos móvil rival. (According to a report on Thursday, Mexico’s largest media corporation invested 1,600 million dollars to obtain 50 per cent of the stock of a rival mobile telephone company.)


Meaning: nosy, busybody

¡Qué metiche es esa señora! (“That lady is so nosy!”)

Mi Bien

Literal Meaning: my welfare, my goodness

Meaning: my darling, my love

Oye, mi bien, ¿no me quieres soltar? Tengo que ir el baño. (Listen, my love, won’t you let me go? I have to go to the bathroom.)


Meaning: spoiled

No le des más juguetes al niño. Está bien mimado. (Don’t give the child any more toys. He is really spoiled.)


Literal Meaning: miner

Meaning: a person from Guanajuato

¡Sí podemos! ¡Somos todos mineros! (We can do it! We’re all from Guanajuato!)


Meaning: oggler

¿Qué ves, mirón? (What are you staring at?)


Meaning: tiny bit, very small amount

¡No hay comida en casa! Desayuné una mirruña de avena antes de ir a trabajar. ¡Tengo hambre! (We haven’t any food at home! I had a tiny bit of oatmeal for breakfast before going to work. I’m hungry!)

Miti Miti

Meaning: fifty fifty

Este postre es divino. Pero porque te quiero, lo vamos a dividir miti miti. (This dessert is divine. But since I love you, we’ll split it fifty fifty.)


Meaning: gossip

Mi vecina es mitotera, y todo lo exagera. (My neighbor is a gossip, and she exaggerates everything.)


Meaning: fanatically religious

Ese pueblo es super mocho. (There are lots of religious fanatics in that town.)


Meaning: A fine, light, steady rain

Agarra tu paraguas. Es una lluvia mojatarugos. (Grab your umbrella. It’s a fine, light rain that will get you very wet.)


Meaning: IQ-challenged

Eh, momo, lo estás leyendo
boca abajo. Hey, dummy, you’re
reading it upside down.

Monstro Comegalletas

Meaning: cookie monster

Mi maestro de pintura es un monstro comegalletas. Le traje unas de las galletas de chocolate que hace mi mamá y estaba muy contento. (My painting teacher is a cookie monster. I brought him some of my mom’s chocolate cookies and he was really happy.)


Literal Meaning: taker of big bites

Meaning: dirty cop

Escuché que ese tipo es mordelón; saca mordidas bien grandes. (I heard that guy is a dirty cop, he takes huge bribes.)


Meaning: girl, chick

¿Vas a traer a tu morra? (Are you gonna bring your chick?)

Mover El Bigote

Literal Meaning: move one’s mustache

Meaning: stuff your face

Paco: ¡Me muero de hambre! (I’m starving!) Julio: ¡Pues mueve el bigote, carnal! (Well, stuff your face, brother!)

Muerte Vivente

Meaning: living dead

Voy a una fiesta el día de brujas y voy a vestirme como la muerte vivente. Esto le dará un susto a todos. (I’m going to a Halloween party and I’m going to go as the living dead. That will scare everyone.)

Meaning: womanizer

No voy a salir con Chuy. Es mujeriego. (I’m not going to go out with Chuy. He’s a womanizer.)

Mulita Maicera

Literal Meaning: little corn-eating mule

Meaning: pot-belly

Ay! Comí mucho. Mírame nomás, la mulita maicera. (Oh! I ate so much. Look at me with my pot-belly.)

Nacer De Pie

Literal Meaning: to be born standing up

Meaning: to be born lucky

Mariana nació de pie. A pesar de ser una niña común y corriente, a los cuatro años la seleccionaron para participar en un programa en la tele y desde entonces le han venido un sinfin de buenas oportunidades. (Mariana was born lucky. Despite being a very average child, she was selected at age four to be on a television program, and since then an endless number of opportunities have come her way.)


Meaning: no, nope, no way

¿Vas al ballet con tu mujer? Nel, vato ¿estás loco? (“Are you going to the ballet with your wife? No way, man, are you nuts?”)

Ni En Su Casa Lo Conocen.

Literal Meaning: They don’t even know him in his own home.

Meaning: He’s so NOT famous, not even his relatives know him!

Joel piensa que está listo para ganarse la vida como estrella del cine, pero ni en su casa lo conocen. Creo que seguirá de mesero algún tiempo más. (Joel thinks he’s ready to earn his living as a movie star, but he’s so much of a nobody, not even his relatives know him! I’ll think he’ll be working as a waiter a while longer.)

Ni Papa

Meaning: Like “ni jota,” it means “nothing.”

No entendí ni papa. (“I have no clue what they mean.”)

Nido De Amor

Meaning: love nest

Paco y Susana no dejaron su nidito de amor en la playa durante toda el fin de semana. (Paco and Susana didn’t leave their love nest at the beach all weekend.)


Meaning: unemployed youth

Según un artículo en The Christian Science Monitor, jóvenes mexicanos que ni trabajan ni estudian se llaman ninis. (According to an article in The Christian Science Monitor, young Mexicans who neither work nor study are called ninis.)

Niño Prodigio

Meaning: child prodigy

A los seis años, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart tocaba bien los instrumentos de teclado, y componía pequeñas piezas de música. Era un niño prodigio. (At six years old, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart played keyboard instruments well and composed short musical compositions. He was a child prodigy.)

Nos Fregamos.

Meaning: We’re screwed.

De aquí no hay salida. Nos fregamos. (There’s no way out. We’re screwed.)


Meaning: green-eyed

Es difícil llevarse con la bella ojiverde. Todos la admiran pero tiene carácter fuerte. (It’s hard to get along with the green-eyed beauty. Everyone admires her but she is strong-willed.)


Meaning: jughead

Oye, ¡qué orejona esa muchacha. Tiene orejas como elefante! (Hey, look at the size of that girl’s ears! They’re as big as an elephant’s.)


Meaning: party

¡Hoy es sábado, chicos! ¡Vamos a la pachanga! (It’s Saturday, kids! Let’s go to the party.)


Meaning: go out for a walk, go out and about

Hoy es domingo, ¡vamos a padrotear! (It’s Sunday, let’s go out and about!)


Literal Meaning: little bird

Meaning: peepee, penis

Se cayó el chavo desde muy alto. Le duele hasta el pajarito. (The little boy fell from a great height. Everything hurts even his peepee.)


Literal Meaning: lever, handle

Meaning: clout, pull

Vamos a pedir ayuda a Pedro. Tiene palanca con el governador. (Let’s ask Pedro for help. He has clout with the governor.)

Palo De Escoba

Literal Meaning: broomstick

Meaning: skinny bones Jones, beanpole

Carlitos come y come, pero a pesar de todo es palo de escoba. (Carlitos eats and eats, but he’s still a skinny bones Jones.)

Papi Chulo

Meaning: hunk / hot guy

¡Ese güey es un papi chulo! Preséntamelo, ¿sí? (That dude is a hunk; introduce me, okay?)

Para Chuparse Los Dedos

Meaning: finger-licking good

El pollo que preparó papá es para chuparse los dedos. (The chicken that dad made is finger-licking good.)


Literal Meaning: parachutist

Meaning: gatecrasher; squatter

Timoteo fue de paracaidista a la fiesta de los Sánchez. Pues, no me sorprende. Su familia es así. Viven en ese barrio al margen del pueblo con un montón de otros paracaidistas. (Timoteo crashed the Sánchez’s party. Well, that doesn’t surprise me. His family is like that. They live in that neighborhood at the edge of town with a bunch of other squatters.)

Pasarla Bomba

Meaning: to have a blast

La pasamos bomba en la fiesta de Rogelio. Hubo mariachis, tragos, y un pequeño circo para los chamacos. (We had a blast at Rogelio’s party. There were mariachis, drinks, and a small circus for the kids.)

Pasarlo De Pelos

Meaning: to have a great time

Espero que lo pases de pelos en tu viaje a Europa. (I hope you have a great time on your trip to Europe.)

Pata Salada

Meaning: a person from Puerto Vallarta

Soy de Puerto Vallarta.
Soy pata salada. (I’m from Puerto Vallarta. I’m a “salty foot.”)

Pedazo De Basura

Literal Meaning: piece of trash

Meaning: piece of shit

Ese tonto pega a su mujer, es un pedazo de basura. (That idiot beats his wife; he’s a piece of shit.)


Meaning: little one, kid

“Peke” es una manera informal de decir “niño”. Muchas veces se usa en promociones y anuncios para productos que tienen que ver con los pequeños. (“Peke” is slang for “kid.” It is often used in promotions or ads for products for little ones.)


Literal Meaning: to peel

Meaning: to pay attention to, to notice

No importa lo que hago, esa chica no me pela. (No matter what I do, that girl pays me no attention.)


Meaning: flick

Invítame a ver una peli. (Invite me to a movie.)

Película Churro

Meaning: B-movie

Las pelis churros normalmente son de bajo presupuesto y poca o ninguna promoción formal. El presupuesto limitado puede demostrarse en lenguaje florido, actuaciones pobres y reiteración de locaciones. Algunos churros son clásicos, y muy divertidos. (B-movies are low-budget films with little or no formal advertising. The limited budget can be noted in florid language, poor acting and the repeated use of locations. Some B-movies are classics, and very fun to watch.)


Meaning: nonsense, ridiculous actions

¡No digas pendejadas! (“Don’t talk nonsense!)


Meaning: trash picker, dumpster diver

Muchos niños de la calle y adultos marginados llegan a ser pepenedores. Se meten en los basureros para separar y vender lo que tiene valor. (Many street children and marginalized adults become trash pickers. They go to the dump to separate and sell whatever they can find of value.)


Literal Meaning: bird cage, bird house

Meaning: peanut gallery

Quiero ver la obra de teatro, pero no tengo lana. Voy a estar con mis cuates en la periquera. Desde allá no se ve bien, pero peor es nada. (I want to see the play, but I don’t have any dough. I’ll be with my buddies in the peanut gallery. From there you can’t see well, but it’s better than nothing.)

Picadura De Policia

Meaning: sting operation

Se llevó a cabo una picadura de policia en el bar donde solía tomar los narcos. Tomaron la mayoría de los malandros preso. No hubo daños al bar ni muertos de inocentes ni de sospechosos. (A sting operation was carried out in the bar where the traffickers usually drank. The majority of the bad guys were taken custody. There was no damage to the bar nor fatalities among bystanders or suspects.)


Literal Meaning: pigeon

Meaning: easy mark

Vamos a invitar a Carlos a jugar poker. Tiene mucho dinero y es un pichón. No juega bien pero él cree que sí. (We’re going to invite Carlos to play poker. He’s got lots of money and he’s an easy mark. He doesn’t play well, but he thinks he does.)


Literal Meaning: rock expert

Meaning: crackhead

No permitas que Mariana cuida al bebé. ¿No sabes que es piedrólogo? (Don’t let Mariana take care of the baby. Don’t you know she’s a crackhead?)

Piel Gallina

Literal Meaning: chicken skin

Meaning: goose bumps

Cuando vi la guitarra de mi tío ya muerto y al mismo tiempo se estaba tocando su canción favorita, me dio piel de gallina. (When I saw my dead uncle’s guitar and at the same time his favorite song was playing, I got goose bumps.)

Pinche De La Cocina

Literal Meaning: kitchen fucker

Meaning: cook's helper

Luisa es la chef; Oscar es el pinche de la cocina. (Luisa is the chef; Oscar is the cook's helper.)

Pintar El Venado

Literal Meaning: paint the deer

Meaning: to play hooky

¡Vamos a pintar el venado mañana! (Let’s ditch classes tomorrow!)


Literal Meaning: flea

Meaning: a pain, a bothersome person

¡Qué piojo es Francisco! Siempre me pide prestado mis pinceles, aguarrás, y hasta bastidores. Es demasiado flojo ir a la tienda a comprar las cosas él mismo. (What a pain Francisco is! He’s always borrowing my brushes, turpentine, and even canvasses. He’s too lazy to go to the store and buy things for himself.)


Meaning: lousy

No quiero que salgas con estos muchachos piojosos. (I don’t want you to go out with those lousy boys.)


Meaning: streetwalker

No vamos a caminar por esta calle. No quiero tener problemas con las pirujas que trabajan ahí. (Let’s not walk down that street. I don’t want any problems with the streetwalkers that work it.)


Literal Meaning: whistle

Meaning: dick

Eh, por ahí va tu amigo del pito chiquito. (Hey, there goes your friend with the little dick.)


Meaning: border slang; English word turned bastardized Spanish

[Juan]: “Lléveme al parking, por fis. (“Please take me to the parking lot.) [Mamá]: “Hijo, no hables con pochismos. La palabra correcta es ‘estacionamiento.’ (Son, don’t use border slang. The correct word is ‘estacionamiento’.)


Meaning: Americanized Mexican

Ese pocho no sabe nada de México y ni siquiera habla español bien. (That Americanized Mexican doesn’t know anything about Mexico and doesn’t even speak Spanish well.)


Literal Meaning: chicken

Meaning: illegal alien who pays to be smuggled across the border

Subieron cinco pollos al auto para cruzar la línea. (They put five illegals in the car to cross the border.)

Pollo, Pollito

Literal Meaning: chicken, chick

Meaning: peepee, penis

En el Yucatán, a veces refieren al pene como “el pollo”. La mamá podrá decir a sus hijo, por ejemplo, “¡Mijo, tápate el pollito!” (In the Yucatan they sometimes call the penis a “chicken” or “chick.” A mother, for example, might say to her child, “Son, cover up your peepee!”)

Ponerse Los Cuernos

Literal Meaning: to put the horns on

Meaning: to cuckold, to screw around on

Lola y Paco tienen 10 años de casados, pero desde hace dos años ella le pone los cuernos. Se acuesta con Nacho cuando Paco sale de viaje. Lola and Paco have been married 10 years, but she’s been screwing around on him for the last two years. She goes to bed with Nacho when Paco goes out of town.)

Por Si Las Moscas

Literal Meaning: if the flies

Meaning: just in case

Trae unos refrescos por si las moscas. (Bring some soft drinks just in case.)


Meaning: bothersome question

Una preguntota, señora,
¿sabía que su esposo es mi amante?
(A difficult question, ma’am, did you
know your husband is my lover?

Príncipe Azul

Meaning: Prince Charming

Alberto es un buen hombre. Desafortunadamente, Alicia está esperando su príncipe azul y no aprecia las numerosas cualidades de su galán. (Alberto is a good man. Unfortunately, Alicia is waiting for her Prince Charming and does not appreciate her beau’s many fine qualities.)

Pulgares Arriba

Meaning: thumbs up

La expresión “pulgares arriba” no es muy común en México pero se entiende para señalar aprobación y entusiasmo. La señal de la mano (con una mano o a veces las dos manos) con el pulgar extendido del puño sí se entiende en casi todo el mundo. (The expression “thumbs up” isn’t very common in Mexico but it is understood to indicate agreement and enthusiasm. The hand signal (using one or both hands) with the thumb up and the hand fisted is understood almost everywhere in the world.)


Meaning: R.I.P.

La familia entera murió en un accidente de auto. En su tumba dice Q.E.P.D. (The whole family died in a car accident. On their tomb it says R.I.P.).


Meaning: quesadilla

Me encanta el queso y evito la carne. Voy a pedir quekas y mijo quiere los tacos de carnitas. (I love cheese and avoid meat. I’ll have the quesadillas and my son will have the pork tacos.)

Rabo Verde

Literal Meaning: green tail

Meaning: old man that chases young girls

Ese viejo es un rabo verde que sólo hace el ridículo al querer conquistar a las chicas jóvenes. (That horny old man only makes a fool of himself trying to get the young girls.)


Meaning: really good

Señora, esta sopa es rebuena. (Ma’am, this soup is really good.)


Meaning: super good, excellent

Esa muchachita is requetebuena. (That little gal is super fine.)


Literal Meaning: Reventón is a huge party or blow out. It comes from the verb reventar, which means “to burst,” or “to tire someone or something out completely” (a jogger or a horse, for example).

Meaning: Party


Meaning: motor-mouth, one-sided conversationalist

Esa mujer es rolera, nunca escucha lo que yo digo. (That woman is a motor-mouth; she never listens to what I have to say.)


Meaning: heartbreaker

Julio es feo pero un verdadero rompecorazones. Abandonó a Minerva después de seis años, pero siempre mantuvo amantes---las dejó una por una cuando ya no le dieron gracia. Minerva le adoraba y siempre tiene esperanzas de que vuelva a casa. (Julio is ugly but a real heartbreaker. He left Minerva after six years, but he always had a lover---he left them one by one when they no longer pleased him. Minerva adored him and still has hope that he’ll come back to her one day.)


Meaning: regifted present

Viste el roperazo que le di a Marcos? Es algo bonito que me regalaron pero no es mi estilo y nunca lo usé. Por eso decidí darselo a Marcos como regalo de navidad. (Did you see the present I regifted to Marcos? It’s something pretty that was given to me but isn’t my style, and I never used it. So I decided to give it to Marcos as a Christmas present.)


Meaning: rocker

Mi hermano es punqueto pero yo soy roquera. (My brother is into punk but I am a rocker.)


Meaning: chick, girlfriend

¡Basta, cabrón, déjala en paz! Ella es mi ruca. (That’s enough, asshole! Leave her alone. She’s my girlfriend.)


Meaning: know it all

Esa Juanita es tan preponente. Es un sabelotodo. (That Juanita is so arrogant. She’s a know it all.)

Sacarse De Onda

Meaning: not to know what to do

Cuando le despidieron,
Gaby se sacó de onda. (When they
fired her, Gaby didn’t know what
to do.

Sangre De Atole

Literal Meaning: atole [a gruel-like drink] blood

Meaning: to have the slows, to act slowly

¡Apúrate, perezoso, hay que terminar el trabajo! ¿Qué tienes, sangre de atole? (Hurry up, lazy, you have to finish this job! What do you have, the slows?)


Meaning: stuck-up, tight ass, party pooper

Ese idiota sangrón no sabe divertirse. (That dumb tight ass doesn’t know how to have a good time.)

Se Cree Muy Muy.

Literal Meaning: S/he thinks s/he's very very.

Meaning: S/he thinks s/he's hot shit.

Esmeralda ganó el concurso de matemáticas y también la de ciencias naturales de su preparatoria y ahora se cree muy muy. (Esmeralda won the math contest and also the natural sciences contest for her high school and now she thinks she’s hot shit.)

Se Petatió.

Meaning: He kicked the bucket.

El idiota de Juan se petatió. ¿Vamos al velorio hoy en la tarde? (That idiot Juan kicked the bucket. Shall we go to his viewing this afternoon?)


Meaning: secretary

Dale los papeles a mi secre. Ella se hará cargo de ellos. (Give the papers to my secretary. She’ll take charge of them.)

Ser Perro Viejo En

Literal Meaning: To be an old dog at

Meaning: To be an old hand at

Déjalo a Carlos. Es perro viejo en reparar motos. (Leave it to Carlos. He’s an old hand at fixing motorcycles.)


Meaning: squealer, rat, tattletale

¡Qué soplón es mi hermanito! ¡Todo lo dice a mamá! (What a tattletale my little brother is! He tells mom everything!)


Meaning: playing deaf, pretending
not to hear

Juanita, ¡me escuchas
bien! No estés sordeando.
(Juanita! You can hear me just fine! Don’t be playing deaf.)

Su Servilleta

Literal Meaning: your napkin

Meaning: your servant, I

¿Quién se encargará de todo lo que necesitas, mijo? Pues, ¡su servilleta! (Who will take care of all of your needs? Well, I will, my son!)


Meaning: ups and downs

Aunque Melanie y Antonio han tenido subibajas, siguen muy unidos. (Although Melanie and Antonio have had their ups and downs, they are still very close.)

Tal Por Cual

Meaning: slut, loose woman

No te preocupes por lo que diga esa tal por cual. (Don’t worry about what that slut says.)

Meaning: cleanup

Mañana vamos a hacer talacha. Trae todo lo que necesitas para limpiar. (Tomorrow we’re going to do a cleanup. Bring everything you need for cleaning.)


Meaning: traffic cop

Le dicen tamarindos por el color de sus uniformes. (They call them tamarinds because of the color of their uniforms.)


Meaning: A person from Guadalajara, or an adjective describing something typical of the region

Nací en Guadalajara. Soy tapatía. (I was born in Guadalajara. I’m Guadalajaran (female).

Tarugo / Taruga

Meaning: blockhead, dummy

No cuentes con Jaime. Es un tarugo y nunca tiene una idea original. (Don’t count on Jaime. He’s a blockhead, and never has an original idea.)


Meaning: blockhead

No tiene la menor idea de lo que hace. Es una taruga. (She has no idea what she’s doing. She’s a blockhead.)

Te Caigo Al Rato.

Meaning: I’ll catch you later. I’ll see you later.

Voy a mi casa. Te caigo al rato. (“I’m going home; I’ll see you in a bit.”)

Te Chilla La Ardilla.

Literal Meaning: You squirrel is screaming.

Meaning: Your armpits stink.

Oye, Fran, ¿cuándo te vas a bañar? Te chilla la ardilla. (Hey, Fran, when are you going to bathe? Your armpits stink.)

Te Pinto Huevos.

Literal Meaning: I'll paint eggs for you.

Meaning: Go fuck yourself.

No es una expresión bonito y la mayoría de las personas no la utilizan. Pero te cuento el significado de “Te pinto huevos” por si alguien te lo dice a ti, sabrás responder. (It’s not a nice expression or one that most people would use. But I’m telling you the meaning of “Go fuck yourself” in case someone says it to you, you’ll know how to respond.)


Meaning: junkie

Los tecatos viven en unas chozas de cartón allí por el río. Son adictos a la heroína. (The junkies live in cardboard shacks over there by the river. They are addicted to heroin.)


Literal Meaning: big telephone call

Meaning: phone call, ring

Te doy un telefonazo en cuanto llegue el documento. (I’ll give you a ring as soon as the document arrives.)

Tener Hueva

Meaning: to feel lazy

¡Qué hueva tengo!
(I feel so lazy!)


Meaning: snack, bite, nosh

Tengo hambre y no aguanto hasta la comida. Vamos a tomar un tentenpié. (I’m hungry and I can’t wait for the mid-afternoon meal. Let’s have a bite.)

Tercera Edad

Literal Meaning: third age

Meaning: elderly, senior citizen

Mi mamá utiliza su tarjeta INAPAM para recibir descuentos de tercera edad. (My mother uses her INAPAM card to get senior citizen discounts.)


Meaning: hunk

Híjole, Gaby, ¿desde cuándo estás saliendo con ese tipazo? (Good gravy, Gaby, how long have you been going out with that hunk?)


Literal Meaning: place where things are thrown around

Meaning: mess

Hijo, ¡tu habitación está hecho un tiradero! (Son, your room is a disaster!)


Meaning: a slew, tons

Hubo un titipuchal de gente
en la fiesta del pueblo. (There were tons of people at the town fiesta.)

Tlaconete Con Sal

Literal Meaning: salted slug

Meaning: wiggling like a worm

¿Por qué estás tan inquieta hoy? Pareces tlaconete con sal. (Why are you so jittery today? You’re wiggling like a worm.)

Toca Madera

Meaning: touch wood, knock on wood

[John] ¿Quién crees que gana la elección? (Who do you think will win the election?) [Joan] Yo voy a ganar. ¡Toca madera! (I’m going to win! Touch wood!)


Literal Meaning: tortilla maker

Meaning: lesbian

Todas las chavas que trabajan en esa tienda son tortilladoras. ¿Y qué? (All the girls that work at that shop are lesbians. So what?)


Meaning: pig, glutton; greedy

Ya te dije que no vamos a invitar a Victor. Ese tragón chupa y come todo y no tiene nada interesante para decir. (I already told you we’re not inviting Victor. That pig swills and eats everything and has nothing interesting to say.)


Meaning: laid back

A mi papá no le importará ... es tranquilón. (My dad won’t care, he’s laid back.)


Meaning: rip off

Esa tienda tiene pura transa. (Everything in that store is a rip off.)


Meaning: to rip off

Ten confianza, no te voy a transar. (You can trust me, I’m not going to rip you off.)


Literal Meaning: tremendous

Meaning: too much

¡Otra vez con tus excusas! ¡Eres tremenda! (Again with the
excuses! You’re too much!


Meaning: worn out, repetitious, trite

¿Vas a poner esa corbata trillada? ¿Por qué no te compras una nueva? (Are you going to wear that old tie? Why don’t you buy a new one?)


Meaning: helter skelter

Marcos no sabe organizarse. Su despacho lo tiene todo trochemoche. (Marcos is so disorganized. His office is helter skelter.)


Meaning: a person from Hidalgo; a person from Pachuca

Soy tuzo y por eso soy fan de los Tuzos, o sea, el club de futbol de Pachucha. Tienen mucho talento y es uno de los mejores equipos de México. La apodo “tuzo” viene de “tuza”, que es un animal que vive debajo de la tierra y hace túneles. Dicen “tuzos” a los de Pachuca y alrededores porque por allí hay muchas minas. (I am from Hidalgo and therefore I am a fan of the Tuzos, Pachuca’s soccer team. They are very talented and one of the best teams in Mexico. They call people from Pachuca “tuzo” from the Spanish word “tuza” meaning pocket gopher, an animal that lives underground and makes a lot of tunnels. Around Pachuca there are lots of mines.)

Un Volado

Meaning: coin toss

Te juego un volado. (I’ll flip you for it.)

Una Cualquiera

Literal Meaning: an anybody

Meaning: a nobody

No te preocupes por ella. Es una cualquiera. (Don’t worry about her. She’s a nobody.)

Una Paliza

Meaning: a thrashing, a beating

Con tres de sus mejores jugadoras heridas y fuera del juego, al equipo de mi hija menor le dieron el miércoles una paliza de 8-0 en los semi-finales de la liga de futbol feminino. (With three of their best players injured and out of the game, my youngest daughter’s team took a beating of 8-0 in the girls’ soccer league semi-finals.)

Usar Manuela

Meaning: to beat off

Los adolescentes usan Manuela constantemente porque están siempre exitados. (Adolescents beat off all the time because they are always aroused.)


Meaning: pesos

No seas codo. Préstame cien varos. (Don’t be cheap. Lend me a hundred pesos.)

Vato Lo Lo

Meaning: bro, man, buddy

Oye, carnal, vamos al cine? (Hey, bro, should we go to the movies?) Memo: ¡Buena idea, vato lo lo! (Good idea, man!)


Literal Meaning: veteran

Meaning: old lady

Todos vamos. Trae también a la veterana. (We’re all going. Bring the old lady along, too.)


Meaning: I’m shocked! I’m stunned!
I can’t believe it! No way!

[Pepe] ¡No lo vas a creer! Juan se ha enganado a su esposa ... pero con otro hombre! (You’re not going to believe this! Juan cheated on his wife, ... but with another man!) [Javier] ¡Vóitelas!
(I can’t believe it!)


Meaning: person from Zihuatanejo, Guerrero

Oye zanca, ¿qué hay?
(Hey buddy [from Zihua], what’s up?)


Meaning: dimwit

Mejor pregúntaselo a mi papá. Este profesor es un zoquete. (You’d be better off asking my dad. That teacher is a dimwit.)


Literal Meaning: Snails!

Meaning: Gee whiz!/Gosh!

¡Caracoles! ¡Se me olvidó mi carretera! (Gosh! I forgot my wallet!)


Meaning: Bummer! That’s a drag.

Juan: Perdió tu equipo, La América. (Your team, La América, lost.) Lola: ¡Chin! (Bummer!)

¡Chinga Tu Madre!

Literal Meaning: Fuck your mother!

Meaning: Fuck you!

José: Oye, compa, te tengo que confesar: Choqué tu coche, perdí el Rolex que me prestaste, y no tengo el dinero que te debo. Y de hecho voy a llevar a tu mujer conmigo a las Islas Galápagos. (Hey, man, I have to confess: I crashed your car, I lost the Rolex that you lent me, and I don’t have the money I owe you. Oh, and by the way, I’m taking your wife with me to the Galapagos Islands.) Memo: ¡Chinga tu madre, cabrón! (Fuck you, asshole!)


Literal Meaning: Skies!

Meaning: Dear me!

¡Cielos! ¡Cómo has crecido, corazón! (Dear me! How you’ve grown, sweetheart!)

¡Dale Gas!

Literal Meaning: Give it some gas!

Meaning: Let's go!

¡Das Asco!

Literal Meaning: You are sickening!

Meaning: You suck!

Me han preguntado cómo decir “You suck!” en español. No sabía yo la respuesta pero en una peli que vi hace poco, asi lo tradujeron. (I’ve been asked how to say “You suck” in Spanish. I didn’t know the answer but watching a movie recently, I saw it was translated as “¡Das asco!”)


Literal Meaning: devils

Meaning: What the hell!/Yikes!

[A lightning bolt hits
right in front of you. You jump back
and yell ... ¡Diablos! (What the hell!)


Meaning: whew!

¡Fiou! Creí que me ibas a decir que eres casado! (Whew! I thought you were going to tell me you are married!)


Meaning: Ick! Gross!

[Sees gum on the bottom of her shoe/baby’s dirty diapers] ¡Guácala!

¡Héchale Galleta!

Meaning: ¡Héchale galleta!

“¡Héchale galleta” es una manera informal de decir “¡Héchale ganas!” o qué le pongas más fuerza a lo que estás haciendo. (¡Héchale galleta! Literally means “give it cookies.” It is an informal way to say “¡Héchale ganas!,” which means: Give it your best, give it your all, or try harder.)

¡Hijue Puta!

Meaning: Son of a gun!

¡Hijue puta! ¡Ve no más lo que hizo! (Son of a gun! Just look at what he did!)

¡Jesús De Veracruz!

Literal Meaning: Jesus of Veracruz

Meaning: Jesus Christ!

¡Jesús de Veracruz! ¡He perdido todo el dinero que trajimos para el viaje! (Jesus Christ! I’ve lost all of the money we brought for the trip!)


Literal Meaning: Boogers!

Meaning: Oh my gosh!

[the baby dumps an entire bowl of beans on her head] ¡Mocos! (Oh my gosh!)


Literal Meaning: mole sauce

Meaning: Oops!

[the child falls and starts to cry] ¡Moles! (Oops!)

¡No Mames!

Literal Meaning: Don't suck!

Meaning: Don't bug me!

Págame lo que me debes, pendejo. (Pay me what you owe me, asshole.) ¡No mames, güey! Te pago mañana. (Don’t bug me, dude. I’ll pay you tomorrow.)

¡No Manches!

Meaning: No way! Give me a break! Get outta here! No freakin’ way! Don’t fu***** do/say that!

Dude #1: Güey, tu novia me habló. Quiere salir conmigo.
(Dude, your girlfriend called me ... she wants to go out with me.)
Dude #2: ¡No manches, cabrón! (Yeah, right, ass****!)

¡Qué Padre! ¡Está Padre!

Meaning: Cool! That’s awesome/excellent!

¡Tu moto nuevo está padre! (Your new motorcycle is awesome!)
La obra de teatro estuvo padrísimo! (The play was excellent!)

¡Qué Poca Madre! (1)

Literal Meaning: How little mother

Meaning: That sucks!

Mis padres no me dejan ir. ¡Qué poca madre! (My parents won’t let me go. That sucks!)

¡Qué Poca Madre! (2)

Literal Meaning: How little mother

Meaning: That's awesome!/It's awesome!

Tu vestido es de poca madre. ¡Me encanta! (Your dress is awesome. I love it!)


Literal Meaning: lightning

Meaning: Shoot!

¡Rayos! Se me cayó el helado. (Shoot! I dropped my ice cream.)


Literal Meaning: soups!

Meaning: Oh, my!

[The cat tries to jump to the window ledge but falls in the bathtub, you say] ¡Sopas! (Oh, my!)


Meaning: OMG!

[your friend pops a wheelie and falls on his face] [you]¡zócalo!

¿Dónde Es La Peda?

Literal Meaning: Where's the fart?

Meaning: Where's the party?

Oye, carnal, por fin llegaron las chavas. ¿Dónde es la peda? (Hey, blood, the girls finally got here. Where’s the party?)