
Literal Meaning: adventure
Meaning: affair
¿No sabías que Jaime tuvo una aventura con su secretaria? (Didn’t you know that Jaime had an affair with his secretary?)
Literal Meaning: whale
Meaning: liter bottle of beer
Vamos a comprar una ballena y jugar dominó. (Let’s buy a big bottle of beer and play dominos.)
Meaning: bike
¿Me prestas tu bici? Es muy lejos para caminar. (Will you lend me your bike? It’s a long way to walk.)
Meaning: drunk (adj.); drunk (noun)
Es un borracho. Siempre anda borracho. (He's a drunk. He's always drunk.)
Literal Meaning: witch
Meaning: bitch
Anita se cree espiritual y de buena onda, pero en realidad es una bruja. (Anita thinks she’s so spiritual and cool, but in reality she’s a bitch.)
Meaning: donkey, dumb person, idiot
¡Qué burro eres! (You’re such a dummy!)
Literal Meaning: he-goat, billy goat
Meaning: asshole, butthead, bastard, cuckold
Ese cabrón siempre gana al dominó! (That bastard always wins at dominos!)
Meaning: poop
El niño hizo caca y por eso apesta todo el salón. (The baby pooped and that’s why the whole room stinks.)
Meaning: work, a job
Necesito chamba. ¿Usted sabe de algo? Puedo hacer ventas, usar la cómpu, o limpiar el jardín. Cualquier cosa será de ayuda. (I need a job. Do you know of anything? I can do sales, use the computer, or work in the garden. Anything would be of help.)
Literal Meaning: monkey
Meaning: dude
El grupo de rock Café Tacuba tiene una canción en la cual menciona un “chango chilango”. (The rock group Café Tacuba has a song in which they mention a dude from Mexico City.”)
Meaning: shorty; short guy (with affection)
Ay, mi chaparrito, ¡cuánto te quiero! (Oh, my little shorty, I love you so much!)
Meaning: boobs, tits
¡Tápate, mija, se te ven los chichis! (Cover up, daughter, your boobs are showing!)
Meaning: cool/awesome
¡Qué chido estuvo el juego de futbol! (The soccer/football game was so awesome!)
Meaning: damn thing
Esta chingadera no funciona. (This frikkin’ thing doesn’t work.)
Meaning: gossip
Tengo dos meses fuera. ¡Cuéntame todo el chisme! (I’ve been gone for two months. Tell me all the gossip!)
Literal Meaning: elbow
Meaning: cheap, stingy
¡Qué codo eres! Siempre me invitas al cine, pero luego tengo que pagar yo mi boleto y mis palomitas. (You are so cheap! You always invite me to the movies, but then I have to buy my own ticket and popcorn.)
Meaning: balls, bollocks
Ese tipo no es listo, pero sí tiene cojones. (That guy isn’t bright, but he sure has balls.)
Meaning: More intimate, short form of “compadre,” or “pal.”
“Oye, compa, sabes que te respeto.” (Hey, pal, you know I respect you.)
Meaning: Its literal meaning is “godfather of my children.” But the slang usage is “brother,” “pal” or “friend.”
Oye, compadre, dame buen precio. (Hey, friend, give me a good price.)
Literal Meaning: coyote
Meaning: one who smuggles human beings across the international border
El coyote los abandonó en el desierto. (The smuggler abandoned them in the desert.)
Meaning: hangover or hungover
¡Híjole, qué crudo tengo! Y tú, Marí, ¿estás cruda también? (My god, what a hangover I have! And you, Mari, do you have a hangover too?)
Meaning: Someone who uses popular sayings in conversation
Un dicharachero es alguien que conversa con ánimo y tiende a emplear dichos graciosos en las pláticas. (A dicharachero is a person who speaks with enthusiasm and tends to use entertaining sayings in conversation.)
Este ...
Meaning: ummmmm
Padre: “Dónde estabas, hijo?” Lalo: “Este
estaba estudiando con Pepe.” Father: “Where were you, son?” Lalo: “Ummmm
I was studying with Pepe.”)
Meaning: a big favor
Oiga, un favorzote ... ¿puede cambiarme este billete por uno que no esté roto? (Listen, a big favor, could you exchange this bill for one that's not torn?)
Meaning: American, foreigner
¡Qué sorpresa! Esa gringa baila bien el merengue. (What a surprise! That American dances the merengue well.)
Meaning: dude
Cállate, güey! (Shut up, dude!)
Hijo De Puta
Literal Meaning: son of a whore
Meaning: son of a bitch
Ese hijo de puta me robó a mí, mintió a mi madre, y abandonó a mi hermana. Lo odio. (That son of a bitch robbed me, lied to my mother, and abandoned my sister. I hate him.)
Meaning: lazy, slow, weak-minded, stupid
¡Apúrate, huevón, o te quedas atrás! (Hurry up, you idiot, or you’ll be left behind!)
Literal Meaning: eggs
Meaning: balls
Ese vato sí tiene huevos; es muy valiente. (That guy sure has balls; he’s very brave.)
La Línea
Meaning: the border
Su hermana vive cerca de la línea. (His sister lives close to the border.)
La Luz
Literal Meaning: the light
Meaning: electricity
Se fue la luz. Es la quinta vez esta semana. Creo que están trabajando en los cables de nuestro barrio. Voy a ir a la compañía de la luz para preguntar qué onda. (The electricity is out. It’s the fifth time this week. I think they are working on the lines in our neighborhood. I’m going to go to the electric company and ask what’s up.)
La Migra
Meaning: immigration department, immigration officer
Córrele, güey, ya viene la migra! (Take off, dude, here comes immigration!)
Meaning: crybaby
¡No seas llorón! (Don’t be a crybaby!)
Literal Meaning: crazy (female)
Meaning: a loose or flirtatious woman
Bromeando con una conocida en la ciudad de Oaxaca, yo le llamé “loca” a la señorita. Su madre me empezó a gritar y me preguntó muy enojado por qué le decía así a su hija. No había entendio el significado de la palabra, que en este contexto referiría a una chica demasiado coqueta o con varios novios. ¡Opa! (Kidding around with an acquaintance in Oaxaca, I called the young woman “loca.” Her mother started yelling at me and asked me angrily why I had called her daughter that. I had not understood the significance of the word, which in slang is used to refer to a flirtatious or loose woman. Oops!)
Los Skatos
Meaning: Skaters, kids from the skateboarding culture
Ella ya anda con los skatos. (She hangs out with the skater kids now.)
Literal Meaning: little mother
Meaning: Used with one’s own mother or with another, usually older, woman to show endearment and/or respect
[said to the old lady selling tamales on the corner] Buenas noches, madrecita. Voy a llevar cinco de sus deliciosos tamales. (Good evening, mother. I’ll take five of your delicious tamales.)
Meaning: As opposed to the diminutive “madrecita,” or “dear little mother” (an affectionate term for one’s mother), a mamacita refers to a “babe.” It’s a common pick-up line.
Oye, mamacita, qué buena estás.” (Hey, baby, you are looking fine.)
Meaning: braggart, pompous ass, blowhard
Rodolfo es un mamarracho. Siempre está hablando de sí mismo y sus supuestos contactos en el gobierno, pero en realidad no es nadie, y no tiene nada de palanca. (Rodolfo is a blowhard. He’s always talking about himself and his supposed contacts in the government, but in reality he’s a nobody and has no influence at all.)
Meaning: kiss ass, stuck up, jerk, uncool person
¡Cómo eres mamón! (You’re so stuck up!)
Meaning: fag, gay
Pide a Xavier su ayuda con la decoración. Es maricón, güey. (Ask Xavier for his help with the décor. He’s a fag, dude.)
Media Naranja
Literal Meaning: half orange
Meaning: better half, partner, mate
Ven a la reunión, y trae tu media naranja. (Come to the meeting, and bring your partner.)
Meaning: shit
Estás loco, guey. No voy a comprar ese carro de mierda. (You’re crazy, dude. I’m not going to buy that piece of shit car.)
Meaning: Actually ‘mija’ is not so much slang as a contraction of the words ‘mi’ and ‘hija’: my daughter. However it is often used not only with one’s own daughter but in a friendly way to any girl child.
Hola, mija, ¿cómo estás? Queremos invitarte a Puerto Vallarta para semana santa. Voy a decírselo a tu mamá. Todos nuestros hijos quieren que no acompañes. (Hello, my child, how are you? We want to invite you to Puerto Vallarta for Easter week. I’m going to tell your mother. All of our children want you to come with us.)
Meaning: Actually ‘mijo’ is not so much slang as a contraction of the words ‘mi’ and ‘hijo’: my son. However it is often used not only with one’s own son but in a friendly way to any boy.
Muchacho: “¿Quiere que le ayude con sus compras, señora?” Doña Hortensia: “Sí, mijo, gracias.” (Boy: “Would you like help with your purchases, ma’am?” Doña Hortensia: “Yes, son. Thank you.”)
Literal Meaning: full of snot, snot-nosed
Meaning: brat
Tú, mocoso, ¡sal de allí! (Hey, brat, get out of there!)
Literal Meaning: bite
Meaning: bribe
¡Pinche policia! Tuve que pagar una mordida de 300 pesos para evitar problemas con mi licencia. (Frikkin’ police! I had to pay a 300-peso bribe to avoid problems with my license!)
Meaning: pot, dope, marijuana
El antes fumaba mota, pero ya no. (He used to smoke pot, but not anymore.)
Literal Meaning: drug trafficker
Los narcos están peleando entre sí. (The drug traffickers are fighting among themselves.)
Niño Fresa/niña Fresa
Literal Meaning: strawberry boy/strawberry girl
Meaning: rich kid
Mira el auto nuevo que le compraron sus papás. Es toda una niña fresa. (Look at the new car her parents bought her. She’s such a spoiled rich kid!)
Meaning: Right on! Cool!
¡Orale, güey! ¡Qué chido que la morena bonita te quiere. (Right on, dude! How awesome that the cute dark-skinned girl loves you.)
Meaning: big-bellied, pot-bellied, fatty
Ese panzón sólo sabe chupar y tragar mi comida. (All that fatty knows how to do is drink and eat my food.)
Meaning: clown
¡Qué payaso eres! No todo en la vida es broma. Aunque sí es cierto que me haces reír. (You’re such a clown. Not everything in life is a joke. Although you do make me laugh.)
Meaning: bald, bald guy
Ahorita viene mi pelón. (My bald-headed guy is on his way.)
Meaning: fool, idiot, jerk, asshole
No seas pendejo. Déjala en paz. (Don’t be an ass; leave her alone.)
Meaning: damned, darned
¡Calla la pinche boca! (Shut your damn mouth!)
Meaning: cop
Pregúntale al poli dónde está el restaurant. Tengo hambre y estoy cansado de caminar. (Ask the cop where the restaurant is. I’m hungry and tired of walking.)
Literal Meaning: chicken farmer
Meaning: illegal alien smuggler
Ayer en San Diego capturaron a dos polleros con su cargo humano. (Yesterday in San Diego they captured two smugglers with their human cargo.)
Meaning: high school
Mi hija mayor está en la prepa, la más pequeña en la secundaria. (My oldest daughter is in high school, the youngest is in junior high.)
Literal Meaning: bridge
Meaning: long weekend
Vamos a Zihua para el puente del día de la Revolución. (We’re going to Zihua for the Revolution Day long weekend.)
Literal Meaning: rancher, from the ranch
Meaning: shy
Ay, muñeca, no seas rancherita. (Hey, doll, don’t be shy.)
Meaning: fridge
Saca los blanquillos del refri. (Get the eggs out of the fridge.)
Meaning: Short for ¿Quién sabe?, sabe means Who knows? with a generous helping of Who cares?
Mamá: ¿A qué horas llega tu hermano? Tú: Sabe ... (Mom: What time will your brother arrive? You: Who knows?)
Literal Meaning: sausage
Meaning: wiener dog, dachshund
Yo tengo salchicha pero mi perro favorito es el pastor alemán. (I have a wiener dog but my favorite type of dog is the German shepherd.)
Meaning: cool, that's fine, sure, i agree
Sandra: ¿Quiéres ir al cine? Yo invito. (Want to go to the movies? My treat.) Anabel: ¡Sale! (Cool!)
Sale Vale
Meaning: Great!
Daniel: Tengo dos boletos para el concierto de Juanes; te invito. (I have two tickets to see Juanes; you’re invited.) Béatriz: ¡Sale vale! (Great!)
Meaning: squeeze, [second] boyfriend, fuck buddy
Jonathan es mi pretendido, pero mi viejo amigo Pedro es mi sancho. (Jonathan is my fiancé, but my old friend Pedro is my squeeze.)
Taco De Ojos
Literal Meaning: eye tacos
Meaning: eye candy
Vamos al centro a echarnos unos tacos de ojos. Es sábado y las chicas han de estar rebuenas. (Let’s go downtown to check out the eye candy. It’s Saturday and the girls must be looking fine.)
Tan Tan
Meaning: knock knock
¡Tan tan! ¿No hay nadie? (Knock knock! Is anybody home?)
Meaning: butt, fanny
Esta falda es muy corta. Se te ven las tepalcuanas. (That skirt is really short! You can see your butt!)
Meaning: guy, fellow
Vamos a preguntar a ese tipo alto de la clase de cocina. Es un buen tipo. (Let’s ask the tall guy from our cooking class. He’s a good guy.)
Meaning: “Vato” is to the 50 and older crowd what “buey” is to the younger generation. In other words, “dude” or “guy.”
Ese vato no sabe lo que dice.
(“That guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”)
Oye, vato, ven p’aca. (“Hey, dude, come over here.”)
Meaning: vibe
Vámonos de aquí. Hay una mala vibra. (Let’s get out of here. There’s a bad vibe.)
Literal Meaning: old lady
Meaning: old lady (spouse or mother)
Mi vieja (mi esposa) me acaba de decir que está embarazada. (My old lady [wife] just told me she’s pregnant.)
Literal Meaning: old man
Meaning: old man (spouse or father)
Malas noticias, carnal. Mi viejo no me deja salir hoy en la noche. (Bad news, brother. My old man won’t let me go out tonight.)
¿Qué Rollo Con El Hoyo?
Literal Meaning: What’s up with the hole?
Meaning: What’s up?
¡Hola, hermano! ¿Dónde vamos? ¿Qué rollo con el hoyo? (Hey, brother! Where are we going? What’s up?)