A Buen Tragón, Buen Taco.
Literal Meaning: For those who like to eat a lot, give them a large taco.
Meaning: Give the guy with the big appetite a large portion.
A Memo le encanta lo que cocina. A buen tragón, buen taco. (Memo loves my cooking. I’ll give him a big portion.)
A Cada Cual Lo Suyo.
Meaning: To each his own.
“A cada cual lo suyo” es la idea de dejar los otros pensar y hacer lo que ellos quieren sin imponer nuestras creencias. (“To each his own” is the idea of letting others think and do what they want without imposing on them our own beliefs.)
A Chillidos De Marrano Oídos De Carnicero.
Literal Meaning: To the shrieking of the pig, ears of the butcher.
Meaning: Talk to the hand, cuz I ain't listening.
Silvia sólo dice bobadas y por eso no la pongo atención. Como dice mi hermano: A chillidos de marrano, oídos de carnicero. (Silvia just talks nonsense and so I pay no attention to what she says. Like my brother says: “Talk to the hand!”)
A Falta De Pan, Tortilla.
Literal Meaning: If there's no bread, have tortillas.
Meaning: Take what you get.
José quería ir a la universidad más prestigiosa de México, pero su padre y yo sólo tenemos dinero para mandarlo a la uni estatal. Yo le dije a mi querido hijo, “A falta de pan, tortilla.” (José wanted to go to the most prestigious university in Mexico, but his father and I only have enough money to send him to the state university. I told my beloved son, “You’ll have to take what you get.”)
A La Mejor Cocinera Se Le Queman Los Frijoles.
Literal Meaning: Even the best cook burns the beans.
Meaning: It could happen to anyone. Everyone messes up once in a while.
Diana es una diseñadora muy talentosa pero el vestido que hizo para mi mamá, francamente no me gusta. Pues a la mejor cocinera se le queman los frijoles. (Diana is a very talented designer but frankly, I do not like the dress she made for my mom. Well, everyone messes up once in a while.)
Acércate Al Amor Y A La Cocina Con Desenfreno Imprudente.
Meaning: Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.
Agua Le Pido A Mi Dios, Y A Los Aguadores, Nada.
Literal Meaning: I ask God for water; I ask nothing of the water carriers.
Meaning: The only help I ask is from God.
Yo sé que estamos en apuros y el que el diablo de mi cuñado ha ofrecido a prestarnos dinero. Pero dice mi esposo: Agua le pido a mi Dios, y a los aguadores, nada. (I know we’re in trouble and that my brother-in-law, that devil, has offered to lend us money. But my husband says that the only help we’ll ask for is God’s.)
Al Buen Entendedor
Pocas Palabras.
Meaning: To one who understands, few words are needed.
Al Que Obra Mal, Se Le Quema El Tamal.
Literal Meaning: The tamales of s/he who does bad things will burn.
Meaning: What goes around comes around.
Tomasina trata mal a sus hijos y su esposo y miente sin parar. Yo digo: Al que obra mal, se le quema el tamal. (Tomasina treats her husband and her children poorly and lies nonstop. I say: What goes around comes around.)
Aquello Es Bueno Que Bien Acaba.
Meaning: All’s well that ends well.
Así Son Las Cosas.
Literal Meaning: That's how things are.
Meaning: That's the way the cookie crumbles.
Trabajé como loco durante seis años para ganar el puesto de gerente de la compañía, pero al final lo dieron a mi rival, Gerardo. Así son las cosas. (I worked like crazy for six years to earn the position of company manager, but in the end they gave it to my rival, Gerardo. That’s the way the cookie crumbles.)
Bájale De Crema A Tus Tacos.
Literal Meaning: Slow down with the cream on your tacos.
Meaning: Get down off your high horse. Stop exaggerating! Stop showing off!
Tu auto no es nada del otro mundo, Fabian. ¡Es un pinche Toyota, no es un Ferrari! ¡Bájale de crema a tus tacos! (Your car is nothing special, Fabian. It’s a damn Toyota, not a Ferrari! Get down off your high horse.)
Barriga Llena, Corazón Contenta.
Literal Meaning: Full belly, happy heart.
Meaning: Fat and happy!
Pasé un día tan bonito hoy. Primero desayuné con mi mamá en mi restaurant favorito, luego preparé una comida ligera pero rica en la casa. En la noche, fui a la casa de mis abuelos y mi abuelita me hizo todos mis platillos favoritos con pay de manzana para el postre. Bueno
como dicen: Barriga llena, corazón contenta! (I had such a nice day today. First I had breakfast with my mom at my favorite restaurant, and then I made myself a light but delicious midday meal at home. In the evening I went to my grandparents’ house, and my grandma fixed all my favorite dishes with apple pie for dessert. Well, you know what they say: fat and happy!)
Buena Para El Petate Y Mala Para El Metate.
Literal Meaning: Good for the mat and bad for the grinding stone.
Meaning: Good in bed but not good for a wife.
Buenos Días, Alegrías!
Literal Meaning: Good morning, happiness!
Analogous Saying: Good morning, sunshine!
Cada Chango A Su Mecate.
Meaning: To each his own.
¿Te parece raro que Carlos es bailarín? Pues yo digo, cada chango a su mecate. (Yo think it’s odd that Carlos is a ballet dancer? Well I say, to each his own.)
Cada Segundo Nace Un Pendejo.
Meaning: There’s a fool born every second.
Cada Uno Tiene Su Manera De Matar Pulgas.
Literal Meaning: Everybody has his own way of killing fleas.
Meaning: There’s more than one way to skin a cat.
Cocinar Es Un Acto De Amor.
Meaning: Cooking is an act of love.
Mi papá me dijo que no me preocupara de que esté mi mami todo el día en la cocina mientras los demás estemos jugando en la playa. El dijo que cocinar es un acto de amor. (My dad told me not to worry that my mom spends all day in the kitchen while the rest of us play on the beach. He said that cooking is an act of love.)
Como Come El Burro, Caga El Culo.
Literal Meaning: What the burro eats comes out his ass.
Meaning: You are what you eat.?? What goes in must come out??? You tell us ... any ideas? (Si usted sabe, dejenos saber!)
Como Dueño De Mi Atole Lo Menearé Con Un Palito.
Literal Meaning: Since the atole (gruel) is mine I will stir it with a stick.
Meaning: I’ll do what I please.
Esta frase se usa cuando otras personas te dicen como debes de manejar tus propias cosas o tu propio destino. Para responder, se puede decir “Como dueño de mi atole lo menearé con un palito”, o para no alargar las cosas, simplemente: “Soy dueño de mi atole.”(This phrase is used in response to other people telling you how to deal with your own things or your own destiny. The short version is: “Soy dueño de mi atole,” or “It’s my atole.”)
Como La Cemita De Puebla, Con La Ganancia Adentro.
Literal Meaning: Like the “cemita” (a sweet bread originally from Puebla), the product/profit is inside.
Meaning: She’s gotten pregnant (but isn’t married).
¿Cómo está Susanita? Pues
. como la cemita de Puebla: con la ganancia adentro. (How is Susanita? Well
she got knocked up.)
Como Plato De Fonda, Bocabajo Y Bien Fregado.
Literal Meaning: Like the plate from a cheap eatery, face down and well-scrubbed. (“Fregado” is a play on words meaning both “screwed” and “well-scrubbed,” depending on context.)
Meaning: What a loser.
Juan es de buena familia pero todo lo que hace sale mal. Es como plato de fonda, bocabajo y bien fregado. (Juan is from a good family but everything he does turns out badly. What a loser.)
Cree Que Sus Pedos No Huelen.
Literal Meaning: She thinks her farts don’t smell.
Meaning: She thinks she’s hot shit.
Debora cree que sus pedos no huelen. Es atractiva pero no es nada del otro mundo. (Debora thinks she’s hot shit. She’s attractive, but nothing out of this world.)
Cuando Menos Burros, Más Elotes.
Literal Meaning: The fewer donkeys there are, the more ears of corn.
Darle Una Sopa De Su Propio Chocolate
Literal Meaning: To give one a soup of his/her own chocolate
Meaning: To give one a taste of his/her own medicine
A Julia siempre le ha gustado mucho las bromas. Pero desde que su hermanito le dio una sopa de su propio chocolate, ya no fastidia a los demás. (Julia has always liked pulling pranks. But since her little brother gave her a taste of her own medicine, she’s stopped bothering people.)
De Tal Jarro, Tal Tepalcate.
Literal Meaning: From a jug like that you get a similar shard.
Meaning: Like mother, like daughter.
Anita es vanidosa y arrogante. ¿Conoces a su mamá, Anota? Pues de tal jarro, tal tepalcate. (Anita is vain and arrogant. Do you know her mother, Big Ana? Well, like mother, like daughter.)
Dependiendo El Sapo Es La Pedrada.
Literal Meaning: The (size of) the rock you throw depends on the toad.
Meaning: It all depends on the circumstances.
Juan paga 100 pesos a los polis de tránsito para una infracción menor; los federales le cobran 200. Los gringos normalmente pagan mucho más. Dependiendo el sapo es la pedrada. (Juan pays the local police a 100-peso fine for a minor traffic violation; the federal police charge him 200! Gringos usually pay quite a bit more. It all depends on the circumstances.)
Despues De Tres Días, El Pescado Y Los Huéspedes Apestan.
Meaning: Fish and guests stink after three days.
Dondequiera Se Cuecen Habas Y En Mi Casa, Comaladas.
Literal Meaning: Fava beans are cooked everywhere, and in my house, in huge quantities.
Meaning: Everyone has their troubles ... and in my case, in spades.
Susana: Estoy harta ... mi marido todas las noches se toma dos copas grandes de mescal o tequila. ¡Cuánto dinero gasta en el trago! Norma: ¿Para qué lloras? Dondequiera se cuecen habas y en mi casa, comaladas. (Es decir, el marido de Norma toma también, y mucho más que dos copas cada noche.) (Susana: I'm fed up ... my husband has two big glasses of tequila or mescal every night. He spends so much money on liquor! Norma: What are you crying about? I have the same problem, but to the tenth degree. (In other words, Norma's husband drinks, too, but much more than two glasses a night.)
Dondequiera Se Cuecen Habas.
Literal Meaning: They cook fava beans everywhere.
Meaning: That’s just how it is. That’s life.
Sí, tu esposo pasa mucho tiempo fuera de la casa y tus hijos a veces faltan respeto. Pero dondequiera se cuecen habas. (Yes, I know your husband spends a lot of time away from home and your kids are sometimes disrespectful. That’s life.)
Dos Es Suficiente Y Tres Son Multitud.
Meaning: Two’s company; three’s a crowd.
Estaba cenando con mi novia cuando apareció Gerardo y nos quiso acompañar. Se quedó un buen rato hasta que le dije, “Oye, carnal, dos es suficiente y tres son multitud. (I was having dinner with my girlfriend when Gerardo showed up and wanted to hang out with us. He stayed a good long time until I told him, “Hey, bro, two’s company and three’s a crowd.”)
Echar El Dinero Bueno Al Malo
Meaning: to throw good money after bad
Julieta compró un auto viejo y con muchos problemas. Cada mes tiene algún otro problema y lo tiene que llevar con el mecánico. La pobre está echando el dinero bueno al malo. (Julieta bought an old car with lots of problems. Every month it has some new problem and she has to take it to the mechanic. The poor girl is throwing good money after bad.)
Echar El Moco En El Atole
Literal Meaning: To throw a booger in the atole
Meaning: To fuck up royally, to fuck things up royally
Lalo tenía todo lo que quería hasta que echó el moco en el atole. Sus acciones no las pudieron perdonar ni su madre. Ahora está triste y abandonado. (Lalo had everything until he fucked things up royally. Not even his mother could forgive what he did. Now he is sad and alone.)
Echar La Casa Por La Ventana.
Literal Meaning: to throw the house out the window
Meaning: to put on the ritz
Echar la casa por la ventana es hacer algo grande, cara y ostentosa, como hacer una fiesta de tres días que cuesta millones de pesos. (To put on the ritz is to do something in a grand, expensive, ostentatious manner, like throwing a three-day party that costs a ton of money.)
El Agua No Enferma Ni Embeoda Ni Endeuda.
Literal Meaning: Water neither makes you sick, nor indebted, nor your wife a widow. In other words ... water is an excellent thing to drink as it doesn’t bring along unwanted consequences.
El Burro Está Hablando De Orejas.
Literal Meaning: The donkey is talking about its ears.
Meaning: Look who’s talking!
Lola critica a Rosa por su actitud, pero creo que el burro está hablando de sus orejas! (Lola criticizes Rosa for her attitude, but look who’s talking!)
El Enemigo De Mi Enemigo Es Mi Amigo.
Meaning: My enemy’s enemy is my friend.
El Muerto Y El Arrimado A Los Tres Días Apestan.
Analogous Saying: Fish and visitors stink after three days.
El Precio De La Educación Se Paga Sólo Una Vez. El Precio De La Ignorancia Se Paga Toda La Vida.
Meaning: (You pay for an education just once. You pay for ignorance your whole life.)
El Que Mucho Abarca, Poco Aprieta.
Literal Meaning: He who embraces all,
squeezes none.
Analogous Saying: Jack of all trades, master of none.
El Que Nunca Va A Tu Casa En La Suya No Te Quiere.
Meaning: He who never goes to your house doesn’t want you in his.
El Que Tiene Más Saliva Traga Más Pinole.
Literal Meaning: He who has the most saliva eats the most pinole.
Meaning: The most talented person is the most successful.
En Casa De Herrero, Azadón De Palo.
Literal Meaning: In the blacksmith’s home, a wooden pickaxe.
Analogous Saying: The plumber’s pipes are always broken.
Jaime es profesor de UNAM pero fui a su casa y ¡no tiene un solo libro! Bueno, como dicen: En casa de herrero, azadón de palo. (Jaime is a professor at the National University of Mexico but I went to his house and he doesn’t have a single book there. Well, as they say, the plumber’s pipes are always broken.)
En Todo Mete La Cuchara.
Literal Meaning: She sticks her spoon into everything.
Meaning: She sticks her nose into everyone’s business.
Teresita es buena onda pero lo que no me gusta de ella es que se en todo mete la cuchara. Siempre que nos vemos me cuenta todo el chisme de los vecinos. (Teresita is cool but what I don’t like about her is that she sticks her nose into everyone’s business. Every time we see each other she tells me all of the neighborhood gossip.)
Es Más Facil Pedir Perdón Que Pedir Permiso.
Analogous Saying: It’s easier to beg forgiveness than to ask permission.
Es Mucho Ruido Y Pocas Nueces.
Literal Meaning: Lots of noise and few nuts.
Meaning: S/he is all talk and no action.
Ximena es de mucho ruido y pocas nueces. Habla siempre de sus proyectos pero nunca hace nada. (Ximena is all talk and no action. She’s always talking about her projects but never accomplishes anything.)
Esa Chica Está Camarona
.le Quitas La Cabeza Y Lo Demás Está Bueno.
Meaning: That girl is like a shrimp, get rid of the head and the rest is good.
Esas Son Habas Contadas.
Literal Meaning: Those beans have been counted.
Meaning: It's a done deal. That's a done deal.
Ya no seguimos hablando de lo que fue ni lo que podría haber sido. Perdimos la casa y eso es todo. Esas son habas contadas. (Let’s not keep talking about what happened or what might have been. We lost the house and that’s it. It’s a done deal.)
Ese Sí Que Se Mete Hasta La Cocina.
Literal Meaning: S/he even gets into the kitchen.
Meaning: S/he sticks his/her nose into everything.
Tomás es un sabelotodo y se mete hasta la cocina. (Tomás is a know-it-all and he sticks his nose into everyone’s business.)
Eso Es Pan De Hoy Y Hambre De Mañana.
Literal Meaning: That’s today’s bread and tomorrow’s hunger.
Meaning: That's a temporary fix.
Juan quiere vender su guitarra y todo su equipo para ganar los quinientos dólares que necesita para la renta, pero le dije que eso es pan de hoy y hambre de mañana, pues él es músico y necesita todo su equipo para trabajar. (Juan wants to sell his guitar and all of his equipment to get five hundred dollars for his rent, but I told him that that’s a temporary solution only, since he’s a musician and he needs all of this equipment to work.)
Esto Es La Gota Que Derrame El Vaso.
Literal Meaning: That’s the drop that makes the glass overflow.
Meaning: That’s the straw that broke the camel’s back.
He esperado para que Quique termine la universidad, viaje por Europa, y estudie masaje. Pero ahora en vez de trabajar quiere tomar un curso de un año en Suecia. Esto es la gota que derrame el vaso. Quiero un divorcio. (I’ve waited for Quique to finish university, travel through Europe, and study massage. But now instead of working he wants to take a year-long course in Sweden. That’s the straw that broke the camel’s back. I want a divorce.)
Esto Está Por Verse.
Meaning: We'll see about that.
Alex dice que le tengo miedo, pero esto está por verse. (Alex says I’m afraid of him, but we’ll see about that.)
Esto No Está De Enchílenme Otra.
Literal Meaning: This isn’t like “put some salsa on the next tortilla.”
Meaning: Easier said than done.
Ernesto tiene muchos planes para mejorar la casa. Quiere construir más habitaciones, plantar árboles y flores en el jardín, y remodelar la cocina. Qué bonito sería, pero con los pocos ahorros que tenemos
esto no está de enchílenme otra. (Ernesto has lots of plans for improving our house. He wants to add bedrooms, plant trees and flowers in the garden, and remodel the kitchen. That would be lovely, but with the little savings we have, it’s easier said than done.)
Febrero Loco, Y Marzo Otro Poco.
Literal Meaning: February [is] crazy, and March a little bit more.
Analogous Saying: In like a lion, out like a lamb.
Anteayer hizo mucho frío, ayer hubo mucho aire, y hoy hace bastante calor. (The day before yesterday it was really cold, yesterday it was windy, and today it’s really hot.) Carlos: Febrero loco, marzo otro poco. (In like a lion, out like a lamb.)
Guarda Tu Aliento Para Soplar A La Sopa.
Literal Meaning: Save your breath to blow on your soup.
Meaning: Save your breath.
Ya me platicaste de lo maravilloso que es esta inversión. No tengo dinero para invertir, así que guarda tu aliento para soplar a la sopa. (You already told me about this wonderful investment. I don’t have any money to invest, so save your breath.)
Hable Ahora O Calle Para Siempre.
Meaning: Speak now or forever hold your peace.
Esta oración me imagino proviene de las bodas, donde el público tiene oportunidad de decir por qué no deberían casarse los novios, antes de que la ceremonia termina. (I imagine that this phrase comes from weddings, where the audience has an opportunity to say why the couple should not marry, before the ceremony is finished.)
Haz Tu Sueño Realidad.
Meaning: Make your dreams come true.
Aunque en español se dice “sueño” (singular), en inglés es más común hablar de hacer los “sueños” (plural) realidad. En cualquier caso, ¡es excelente idea! (Although in Spanish you say “Make your dream (singular) come true,” in English it’s more common to say “Make your dreams (plural) come true.” In any case, it’s an excellent idea!)
Honor A Quien Honor Merece.
Meaning: Give credit where credit is due.
Ana ha trabajado duro y qué bueno que le premiaron. Pero hay que honor a quien honor merece: Fabio hizo la investigación primaria durante 20 años y sin sus esfuerzos, no hubiera podido realizar nada Ana. (Ana has worked hard and it’s great that she was rewarded. But one must give credit where credit is due: Fabio did primary research for 20 years and without his efforts, Ana would not have been able to accomplish anything.)
ÍSe Te Va La Yegua!
Literal Meaning: Your mare is getting away.
Meaning: Pay attention! You are losing your woman.
La Confianza Mata Al Hombre.
Literal Meaning: Confidence kills the man.
Analogous Saying: Pride cometh before the fall.
Meaning: Confidence kills the man.
La Esperanza Es Eterna.
Meaning: Hope springs eternal.
La situación parece desesperada, pero la esperanza es eterna. (The situacion looks bleak, but hope springs eternal.)
Las Apariencias Engañan.
Literal Meaning: Looks are deceiving.
Meaning: Looks can be deceiving.
Dora se ve culta y es sin duda una belleza. Pero según sus maestros, es una fiera. Cuidado con ella porque las apariencias engañan. (Dora looks cultured and there’s no doubt she’s a beauty. But according to her teachers, she’s a demon. Be careful of her because looks can be deceiving.)
Las Penas Con Pan Son Menos.
Literal Meaning: Worries are less severe with bread.
Meaning: If at least you have something to eat, your difficulties are bearable.
Le Entró A La Rifa Del Tigre, Y Lo Sacó.
Literal Meaning: He signed up for the tiger raffle, and won.
Meaning: Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it!
Limosnero Y Con Garrote
Literal Meaning: beggar with a club (big stick)
Meaning: You've got a lot of nerve.
¡¿Me pides prestado mil pesos y luego quieres que te traiga el dinero a tu casa?! ¡Limosnero y con garrote! (You ask me to lend you a thousand pesos and you want me to bring it to your house as well!? You’ve got a lot of nerve!)
Lo Prometido Es Deuda.
Meaning: A promise is a promise.
No tengo ganas de manejar hasta el D.F. para ver a la niña en su obra escolar. Sólo tiene el papel de un cuervo. Pero lo prometido es deuda. (I don’t feel like driving to Mexico City to see my girl in her class play. She only plays a crow. But a promise is a promise.)
Lo Que No Te Mata, Te Hace Más Fuerte.
Meaning: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Los Niños Y Los Borrachos Siempre Dicen La Verdad.
Meaning: Children and drunks always tell the truth.
Más Bueno Que El Pan Y Más Pesado Que La Masa.
Literal Meaning: Better than bread and heavier than dough.
Meaning: S/he’s a good person, but difficult.
La señora Wilkerson siempre nos ha apoyado a mis hijos y a mí. Nos invita a su casa y me ha prestado dinero cuando no lo tengo. Pero es también mandona y chillona. Es más buena que el pan y más pesada que la masa. (Mrs. Wilkerson has always been supportive of me and my kids. She invites us to her house and has lent me money when I don’t have any. But she’s also bossy and shrill.)
Más Jalen Dos Tetas Que Cien Carretas.
Literal Meaning: Two tits pull more weight than one hundred carts.
Meaning: A beautiful woman has great influence over men.
Mira a Sofía, ¡qué belleza! Tiene mucha influencia sobre la política a través de su esposo, el diputado. Pues, más jalen dos tetas que cien carretas. (Look at Sofia, what a beauty! She has a lot of influence in politics through her husband, the representative. Well, as you know, a beautiful woman has great influence over men.)
Más Pueden Dos Tetas Que Tres Carretas.
Meaning: Two breasts can move more than three carts.
Más Vale Sola Que Mal Acompañada.
Meaning: You’re better off alone than with a bad companion.
Traditionally said about women, it can be said just as well about a man, in which case the saying would be: Más vale solo que mal acompañado.
Más Vale Tortilla Dura Que Hambre Pura.
Literal Meaning: Hard tortillas are better than pure hunger.
Meaning: It’s better than nothing.
A Pedrito no le gusta nada de lo que he preparado para la comida. Para mi este niño es muy chiqueado, y debe comer lo que hay. Le digo: “Más vale tortilla dura que hambre pura”. (Pedrito doesn’t like anything I’ve made for lunch. In my opinion that child is very spoiled, and he should eat what there is. I tell him: “It’s better than nothing.”)
Me Dejó Como Trapeador De Cantina.
Literal Meaning: S/he turned me into a bar mop.
Meaning: He wrung me out to dry. She really laid into me.
Araceli está super enojada conmigo por todo lo que pasó la semana pasada. Anoche cuando fui a su casa me empezó a regañar y no paró hasta dejarme como trapeador de cantina. (Araceli is really mad at me for everything that happened last week. Last night when I went to her house she started yelling at me; she wrung me out to dry.)
Me He De Comer Esa Tuna Aunque Me Espine La Mano.
Literal Meaning: I have to eat that prickly pear cactus fruit even though I get stickers in my hand.
Meaning: I’m obsessed. I can’t stop doing it even though it’s bad for me.
Yo sé que Juan es un mentiroso y mujeriego. Pero siempre regreso con él
Me he de comer esa tuna aunque me espine la mano. (I know that Juan is a liar and a womanizer. But I always go back with him
I’m obsessed with him.)
Meterse En Un Berenjal
Literal Meaning: to go into an eggplant patch
Meaning: to get into hot water
Por escuchar los consejos de Tatiana, me metí en un berenjal. Ahora ni Carlitos ni Verónica me hablan. (Listening to Tatiana’s advice got me into hot water. Now neither Carlitos nor Veronica will talk to me.)
Mi Casa Es Su Casa
Meaning: In English as Spanish, it means literally, “My home is yours.” But don’t move in yet ... it’s just a figure of speech meaning “Please make yourself at home” or “Stop by any time.”
Mientras Más Conozco A La Gente Más Quiero A Mi Perro.
Meaning: The better I get to know people, the more I love my dog.
Músico Pagado Toca Mal Son.
Literal Meaning: A musician who has been paid plays a bad son (genre of music).
Meaning: People paid in advance rarely do a good job.
Lalo tiene un salario de MN 5,000 al mes, mientras a Juanis le pagan por comisión sobre lo que vende. No me sorprende que trabaja más Juanis. Músico pagado toca mal son. (Lalo is paid a monthly salary of 5,000 pesos, while Juanis is paid a commission on her sales. I’m not surprised that Juanis works harder. A musician paid in advance rarely plays a good tune.)
Navega Con Bandera De Pendejo.
Literal Meaning: S/he sails with the dumbshit flag.
Meaning: to act dumb / to play the fool
Lino navega con bandera de pendejo pero en realidad es muy listo. (Lino plays the fool but in reality he's quite clever.)
No Es Nada Del Otro Mundo.
Literal Meaning: It’s nothing from another world.
Meaning: It’s nothing special.
No volveré a este restaurante. Es muy caro y la comida no es nada del otro mundo. (I won’t return to this restaurant. The food is expensive, and nothing special.)
No Es Saco De Nueces Para Vaciarse De Golpe.
Literal Meaning: It’s not a sack of nuts to be emptied all at once.
Meaning: Give me a chance, let me tell the story.
Juani quería explicar lo que había pasado durante el fin de semana con Hector. Sus amigas le presionaron por los detalles, pero Juani les dijo: “Denme chance. No es saco de nueces para vaciarse de golpe.” (Juani wanted to explain what had happened that weekend with Hector. Her friends were pressuring her for details, but Juani told them: “Give me a chance, let me tell the story.”)
No Está El Horno Para Hacer Bollos.
Literal Meaning: The oven's not ready to make rolls.
Meaning: This is not a good time. The time is not right.
Pepe está molestando siempre para que le ayude a crear un nuevo negocio pero le digo “No está el horno para hacer bollos”. (Pepe is always bothering me to help him start his own business but I tell him, the timing is not right.)
No Hagas Hoy Lo Que Puedas Hacer Mañana.
Meaning: Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow.
No Hay Mujeres Feas, Sólo Hombres Sobrios.
Meaning: There are no ugly women, only sober men.
No hay mujeres feas, sólo hombres sobrios. ¡Qué expresión más sexista y fea es esta! Se podría decir lo mismo de los hombres feos. En todo caso andar borracho no es excusa para portarse mal. ( There are no ugly women, only sober men. What a sexist and ugly expression! You could say the same thing about ugly men. In any case, being drunk is no excuse for bad behavior.)
No Hay Vuelta De Hoja.
Literal Meaning: There’s no turning the page.
Meaning: There’s no turning back time. You can’t reset the clock.
Durante los años que tenemos juntos, Emilio ha hecho muchas cosas feas. Ahora dice que ha cambiado y quiere volver conmigo. Pero yo le digo, “No hay vuelta de hoja”. (During our years together, Emilio has done many unpleasant things. Now he says he has changed and wants to get back together. But I tell him, “You can’t reset the clock.”)
No Huele Ni El Pan Caliente.
Literal Meaning: He can't even smell the hot bread.
Meaning: He’s clueless. He’s oblivious.
José tiene doctorado en psicología y tiene 10 años atendiendo a pacientes en su propio despacho. Pero yo fui con él para tres meses y según yo veo, no huele ni el pan caliente. (José has a Ph.D. in psychology and has been seeing patients in his own practice for 10 years. But I saw him for three months and as far as I’m concerned, he’s totally clueless.)
No Le Muevas Al Mole.
Literal Meaning: Don't stir the mole (sauce).
Meaning: Don't rock the boat.
Hasta ahora todo va bien. Tu jefe está satisfecho con tu trabajo aunque no has sido la mejor vendedora del equipo. No le muevas al mole pidiéndole vacaciones ahorita. (Up til now everything is going smoothly. Your boss is satisfied with your work although you haven’t been the strongest salesperson on the team. Don’t rock the boat by asking for vacation time right now.)
No Les Busques Chichis A Las Culebras.
Literal Meaning: Don't look for tits on snakes.
Meaning: Don't look for problems where there are none.
¿Por qué te preocupas tanto? Todo está bien y a tu nueva suegra le vas a caer muy bien. No les busques chichis a las culebras. ( Why do you worry so much? Everything is fine and your new mother-in-law is going to love you. Why do you look for problems where there are none?)
No Me Avientes El Muerto.
Literal Meaning: Don't toss me the dead guy.
Meaning: Don’t look at me.
¿Quién lo va a hacer? No me avientes el muerto. A mi me has dado casi todas las tareas. (Who’s going to do it? Don’t look at me. You’ve given me most of the tasks.)
No Sé Del Hilo, María Es La Que Cose.
Literal Meaning: I don’t know about that thread, María is the one who sews.
Meaning: I don’t know the gossip.
Sí, hay un gran escándalo en la uni. Pero no sé del hilo, María es la que cose. (Yes, there’s a big fat scandal at the university. But I don’t know anything about it. “María” always knows the gossip.)
No Se Puede Satisfacer Y Agradar A Todos.
Literal Meaning: You can’t satisfy and please everyone.
Analogous Saying: You can’t please them all.
No Será De Harina Pero Huele A Biscocho.
Literal Meaning: It may not be made of flour but it sure smells like a pastry.
No Tiene Dos Dedos De Frente.
Literal Meaning: He doesn't have two fingers of forehead.
Meaning: He's not the sharpest tool in the shed.
No le voy a pedir a Tomás que nos ayude con la tarea de matemáticas. No tiene dos dedos de frente. (I’m not going to ask Tomás to help us with the math homework. He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed.)
Nunca Digas “De Esta Agua No Beberé” Por Muy Sucia Que Esté.
Literal Meaning: Never say “I’ll never drink this water” no matter how dirty it is.
Meaning: Never say never.
Nunca digas “De esta agua no beberé” por muy sucia que esté. Esta expresión quiere decir que tengas cuidado cuando dices que nunca harás alguna cosa. Nunca se sabe qué harás bajo ciertas circunstancias. (Never say never. This expression means that you should be careful about saying you’ll never do something. You never know what you might have to do under certain circumstances.)
O Lo Tienes O No Lo Tienes.
Meaning: Either you've got it or you don't.
Mari cree que andando con Antonietta llegará a ser una mujer sofisticada. Pero yo tengo amigas de bien y le puedo decir: o lo tienes o no lo tienes. No es algo que se puede aprender. (Mari thinks that by hanging around with Antonietta she’ll become a sophisticated woman. But I have wealthy friends of my own and I can tell her: Either you’ve got it or you don’t. It’s not something you can learn.)
Ojos Que Te Vieron Ir, ¿cuándo Te Verán Volver?
Meaning: These eyes that saw you leave, when will they see you return?
Para Cada Mal, Mescal Y Para Cada Bien También.
Literal Meaning: For every misfortune, have a mescal, and for every good thing, too.
Para Hacer Un Omelet Hay Que Romper Unos Huevos.
Literal Meaning: To make an omelet you have to some break eggs.
Meaning: Sometimes in order to create, you have to destroy.
Perro Huevero Ni Aunque Le Queme El Hocico.
Literal Meaning: An egg-eating dog, not even if you burn its snout.
Meaning: A leopard never changes its spots.
Paulo sabe que el azúcar le hace daño pero no deja de comerlo. Perro huevero ni aunque le queme el hocico. (Paulo knows that sugar is bad for him but he eats it anyway. A leopard never changes its spots.)
Plato De Segunda Mesa Ni En La Otra Vida, Menos En ésta.
Literal Meaning: A dish for the second seating? Not in the next life and certainly not in this one.
Meaning: I demand respect. I insist on being taken seriously.
Pleitos Con Todos Menos La Cocinera.
Literal Meaning: Argue with anyone except the cook.
Meaning: Don’t fight with someone you need to depend on.
Mi suegra me cae requetemal, pero mi esposo la adora. Como dicen, “Pleitos con todos menos la cocinera”. (I don’t like my mother-in-law at all, but my husband adores her. As they say, “Argue with anyone except the cook.”)
Pos Agua Con Ajo.
Literal Meaning: Well water with garlic.
Meaning: You made your bed, now lie in it.
Esteban insistió en casarse con esta fiera, aunque su mamá y yo no la queríamos. Ahora le digo a mi hijo, pos agua con ajo. (Esteban insisted on marrying that demon although his mother and I were against it. Now I tell my son, “You made a bad decision, now live with it.”)
Prefiero Ser Cabeza De Ratón Que Cola De León.
Literal Meaning: I’d rather be the head of a rat than the tail of a lion.
Meaning: I prefer to be a big fish in a little pond.
Ernesto se burla de mi por ser alcalde del pueblo. El es de Guanajuato capital y le parece muy provinciano vivir en el pueblo. Pero prefiero ser cabeza de ratón que cola de león. (Ernesto makes fun of me for being the mayor of the town. He’s from the state capital, Guanajuato, and it seems very provincial to him to live in a small town. But I prefer to be a big fish in a little pond.)
Salir De Guatemala Y Entrar En Guatepeor
Literal Meaning: To leave Guate-mala (bad) and enter Guate-peor (worse)
Meaning: Out of the frying pan and into the fire
Cambié de trabajo pues mi jefe era terrible. Pero de Guatemala a Guatepeor. (I changed jobs because my boss was horrible. But, out of the frying pan and into the fire.)
Se Dice El Pecado Pero No El Pecador.
Literal Meaning: One can tell the sin but not the sinner.
Meaning: I can tell you what happened but not who told me.
Juana, a Susana: Me dijeron que tu esposo pasó toda la noche con una generala del ejército polaco en el bar más asqueroso del pueblo. Susana: ¿Quién te lo dijo? Juana: Se dice el pecado pero no el pecador. (Juana, to Susana: I heard that your husband spent the whole night with a Polish army general in the most disgusting bar in town. Susana: Who told you that? Juana: I can tell you what happened but not who told me about it.)
Se Encontró La Mesa Puesta.
Literal Meaning: S/he found the table set.
Meaning: It was all set up for him. Everything was handed to her.
Miriam tiene un puesto muy importante en el gobierno de su amigo de toda la vida, Jaime. Se encontró la mesa puesta. (Miriam has an important position in the administration of her lifelong friend, Jaime. It was all set up for her.)
Se Le Atora El Chal En Todos Lados.
Literal Meaning: Her shawl gets caught all over the place.
Meaning: She stops all over town for a bit of gossip or a chat.
Beatriz puede pasar toda la tarde haciendo el quehacer. Se le atora el chal en todos lados. (Beatriz can spend the whole afternoon doing her errands. She stops all over town to chat and gossip.)
Se Me Durmió El Gallo.
Literal Meaning: The rooster fell asleep on me.
Meaning: I slept in. / I overslept.
¡Uf! Iba a estudiar hoy en la mañana para el examen de física pero se me durmió el gallo. (Ugh! I was going to study this morning for my physics exam, but I overslept.)
Se Me Pegaron Las Sábanas.
Literal Meaning: The sheets stuck to me.
Meaning: I overslept.
¡Uf! Siento haber llegado tan tarde. Se me pegaron las sábanas. (Oh! I’m sorry to have arrived so late. I overslept.)
Semejante Roperote Para Tan Poca Llavecita.
Literal Meaning: What a big closet for such a small key.
Meaning: For such a big guy he’s got an awfully small weenie.
Jaime es elegante y fuerte y al parecer, cien por ciento hombre. Pero escuché a su ex novia decir “Semejante roperote para tan poca llavecita”. (Jaime is elegant and strong, and seemingly one hundred percent man. But I heard his ex-girlfriend say that for such a big guy, he’s got a small
well, you know.)
Ser El Pan De Todos Los Días
Literal Meaning: That’s his daily bread.
Meaning: That’s his bread and butter, or most common source of income.
Gilberto trabaja como herrero haciendo puertas y protectores para ventanas; es su pan de todos los días. Cuando tiene tiempo vende esculturas artísticas pero esto es muy de vez en cuando. (Gilberto is an iron worker. He makes doors and security windows; that’s his bread and butter. When he has time he makes artistic sculptures, but that’s only occasionally.)
Si Comiste O No Comiste, Tú A La Mesa Estuviste.
Literal Meaning: Whether or not you ate, you were at the table.
Meaning: Take responsibility for your part.
Pedro le echa toda la culpa a su ex esposa por su divorcio, pero yo le digo: Si comiste o no comiste, tú a la mesa estuviste. (Pedro blames his ex–wife for their divorce, but I tell him: Whether or not you ate, you were at the table. In other words, it takes two to tango.)
Si Con Atolito Va Sanando, Atolito Vamos Dando.
Literal Meaning: If he is getting better by drinking atole, we’ll keep giving him atole.
Meaning: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Don’t mess with what’s working.
Había pensado cambiar el menú para ofrecer comida hindú, pero a nuestros clientes les gusta mucho mis tamales, gorditas y tacos. Dice mi esposo que si con atolito va sanando, atolito vamos dando. (I had planned to change our menú to Indian food, but our clients really like my tamales, gorditas, and tacos. My husband says, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.)
Si Estás Así De Verde, ¿cómo Estarás De Madura?
Meaning: If you’re like this green [said when a woman is wearing green], how [impossibly luscious] will you be when ripe?
Si Mi Tía Tuviera Cojones, Sería Mi Tío.
Literal Meaning: If my aunt had balls, she’d be my uncle.
Analogous Saying: If the “if” weren’t there, the devil would be a preacher.
Sin Madre, Sin Padre, Sin Perro Que Me Ladre.
Literal Meaning: Sin madre, sin padre, sin perro que me ladre.
Analogous Saying: Motherless child
Sólo Las Ollas Saben Los Hervores De Su Caldo.
Literal Meaning: Only the pots know how the broth boils.
Meaning: Don’t pass judgment on others without knowing the full story.
Anita está siempre criticando a Lola por haber dejado a Gilberto. Pero quien sabe qué pasaron entre ellos dos. Yo digo: Sólo las ollas saben los hervores de su caldo. (Anita is always criticizing Lola for having left Gilberto. But who knows what happened between the two of them. I say: Don’t pass judgment on others without knowing the full story.)
Son De La Misma Comalada.
Literal Meaning: They are from the same batch.
Meaning: They are cut of the same cloth.
A Paty y Susana les gustan las mismas pelis y la misma comida. Son de la misma comalada. (Paty and Susana like the same movies and the same kind of food. They are cut of the same cloth.)
Tan Lleno Como Perro De Rancho
Literal Meaning: Full as a ranch dog
Analogous Saying: Full as a tick
Tantas Curvas, Y Yo Sin Frenos!
Meaning: [Said to a sexy-looking woman] So many curves, and me
without brakes!
Tanto Tiempo De Atolera Y No Saberlo Menear.
Literal Meaning: You [she, he] have [has] been making atole for how long but still don’t [doesn’t] know how to stir it.
Meaning: All this time and still no clue?!
Todas las noches mi hijo pide que le ayude con su tabla de multiplicar. Le dije: “Tanto tiempo de atolera y no saberlo menear.” Yo creo que es pura pereza de su parte. (Every night my son asks for help with his multiplication tables. I told him: All this time
and still no clue?! I think it’s just laziness on his part.)
Te Circula Atole Por Las Venas.
Literal Meaning: You have atole running through your veins.
Meaning: You are slow as molasses.
Hijo, ¡levántate!¡Ayúdame! ¡Haz algo! Te circula atole por las venas. (Son, get up! Help me! Do something! You are slow as molasses.)
Te Regalo Un Boleto Directito A La Chingada.
Literal Meaning: I''ll give you a ticket directly to fuck-you land.
Meaning: Fuck off!
¿No quieres ayudarme después de todo lo que hecho por ti? Pues te regalo un boleto directito a la chingada. (You don’t want to help me after all I’ve done for you? Well, fuck off!)
Tiene Comal Y Metate Con Todo El Mundo.
Meaning: He/She has a finger in every pie.
Miriam conoce a todo el mundo y sabe todo el chisme. Tiene comal y metate con todo el mundo. (Miriam knows everybody and knows all the gossip. She has a finger in every pie.)
Tirarse Para Que Lo Levanten
Literal Meaning: to throw oneself down in order to be picked up
Meaning: fishing for compliments
Yo: Me veo feo es este vestido, ¿no? No sé por qué lo compré. Jorge: No, ¿qué va! Te ves bien guapa, corazón. (Me: I look ugly in this dress, right? I don’t know why I bought it. Jorge: No, not at all. You look really pretty, honey.)
Todavía No Se Puede Cantar La Victoria.
Meaning: It's not over til the fat lady sings.
Los Cargadores de San Diego están perdiendo 20 a 3 a los Vikingos de Minnesota. Sólo quedan cinco minutos para jugar
pero todavía no se puede cantar la victoria. (The San Diego Chargers are losing to the Minnesota Vikings, 20 to 3. There are just five minutes left in the game
but it’s not over until the fat lady sings.)b
Todo Con Medida, Hasta La Comida.
Meaning: Everything in moderation, including food.
Pablo no fuma y no toma mucho, pero si hay dulces o pastel en la casa, se los acaba. Yo le digo: Todo con medida, hasta la comida. (Pablo doesn’t smoke, or drink much, but if there are sweets or cake in the house, he finishes them. I tell him: Everything in moderation, including food.)
Todos Los Caminos Llegan A Roma.
Meaning: All roads lead to Rome.
Marta quiere ser chef y abrir un restaurante de alta cocina. Yo le aconsejé que estudie en una escuela culinaria de Paris, donde tengo contactos, pero prefiere empezar trabajando en VIPS. Pues
todos los caminos llegan a Roma, ¿no es cierto? (Marta wants to be a chef and have her own high-end restaurant. I advised her to study at a culinary school in Paris, where I have contacts, but she prefers to start working at VIPS. Well, all roads lead to Rome, right?)
Tonto, Tonto Pero No Tanto.
Literal Meaning: Dumb, dumb but not that much.
Meaning: I may be dumb, but not that dumb.
El jefe de mi querida esposa la invitó a una reunión de trabajo de dos noches en la playa, sólo ellos dos. El es sexy, soltero, y sin escrúpulos. Tonto, tonto pero no tanto. Voy a ir yo también, aunque no quieran. (My wife’s boss invited her to a two-night business trip at the beach, just the two of them. He is sexy, single, and without scruples. I may be dumb, but not that dumb. I’m going too, even if they don’t want me.)
Ve A Ver Si Ya Puso La Marrana.
Literal Meaning: Go see if the pig has laid eggs.
Meaning: Get out of my hair.
[Después de media hora de escuchar a su hijo molestar por otra galleta
] ¡Ya, mijo! Ve a ver si ya puso la marrana. ([After half an hour of listening to her son beg for another cookie
] OK, son! Get out of my hair!)
Vive Y Deja Vivir.
Meaning: Live and let live.
Es importante vivir y dejar vivir. Así dice mi mama, pues. (It’s important to live and let live. Well, that’s what my mom says.)
Voy A Talonearle Para Sacar Para La Papa.
Meaning: I’m going to work hard to earn my daily bread.
Ya Me Llenaste El Taco De Piedritas.
Literal Meaning: You’ve filled my taco with pebbles.
Meaning: You’ve taken the fun out of it. You’ve ruined the moment.
He estado esperando el momento de volver a verte desde hace muchos meses
pero ya que llegaste, con tus quejas y palabrotas y actitud pesado
Ya me llenaste el taco de piedritas. (I’ve been looking forward to seeing you again for many months now
but now that you’re here, with your complaints and swearing and bad attitude
well you’ve taken all the fun out of it.)
Ya No Se Cuece Al Primer Hervor.
Literal Meaning: It doesn’t cook with the first boiling.
Meaning: S/he’s a bit long in the tooth.
Don Tomás me cae bien, es buena onda. Pero para ser el rey del carnaval
Ya no se cuece al primer hervor. Tú, ¿qué dices? (I like don Tomás, he’s cool. But to be the king of the carnival
He’s a bit long in the tooth. What do you think?)
Ya Tengo El Plato Lleno.
Literal Meaning: My plate is full.
Meaning: My plate is full. I already have so much to do.
En inglés tanto como en español, esta frase quiere decir que uno tiene suficiente o demasiado que hacer sin que le den otras tareas más. Por ejemplo si en el trabajo mi jefa me pide que me encargo de un nuevo proyecto, tal vez la diría, “Ay, señora, pero ya tengo el plato lleno. (In English as in Spanish, this expression means that one has enough, or too much, to do without being given any new tasks. For example, if at my job my boss asks me to take charge of a new project I might say, “Oh, ma’am, my plate is full!”)
¡A Darle Que Es Mole De Olla!
Literal Meaning: Go for it because it’s mole from the pot!
Meaning: Dig in!
Ya estamos todos en la mesa. Le damos gracias a dios para esta cena fabulosa entre familia. Ahora ¡a darle que es mole de olla! (We’re now all at the table. We thank God for this family dinner. Now dig in!)
¡Ahora Es Cuando, Chile Verde, Le Has De Dar Sabor Al Caldo!
Literal Meaning: Now is the time for you, green chilie, to season the broth.
Meaning: It’s show time! You’re on!
Has trabajado para tu gran estreno de Broadway durante 20 años. ¡Ahora es cuando, chile verde, le has de dar sabor al caldo! (You have worked for 20 years for your big Broadway debut. Now it’s show time!)
¡Antes Muerta Que Sencilla!
Meaning: I’d rather be dead than look ordinary!
¡Aviado Es El Palo Para La Cuchara!
Literal Meaning: The stick is a poor substitute for the spoon.
Meaning: S/he is not up to snuff; s/he is not up to the task.
Dora no tiene ni la experiencia ni los contactos que necesita para tomar el puesto de Saraí. ¡Aviado es el palo para la cuchara! (Dora doesn’t have the experience or the connections to take Saraí’s position. The stick is a poor substitute for the spoon!)
¡Feliz Año! OR ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! (the ‘nuevo’ Is Optional)
Meaning: Happy New Year! It is customary in Mexico to wish your friends and business acquaintances a Happy New Year the first time you see them after New Year’s Eve. So technically, you could be saying “¡Feliz año!” well into February if you don’t see your friends before then.
¡Hasta Los ángeles Se Visten De Negro!
Meaning: [Said when a woman is wearing black] Even the angels are dressing in black!
¡Manos A La Masa!
Literal Meaning: ¡Manos a la masa!
Meaning: Let’s get going! Let’s get started!
Creo que tenemos todo lo que necesitamos para empezar el proyecto. ¡Manos a la masa! (I think we have everything we need to start the project. Let’s get started!)
¡Qué Duermas Con Los Angelitos!
Literal Meaning: Sleep with the angels!
Meaning: Sleep tight!
¡Qué Tengas Un Bonito Día!
Meaning: Have a nice day!
¡Soy Como El Chile Verde, Picante Pero Sabroso!
Meaning: I’m like a green chile: hot and spicy but oh so tasty!
¿A Quién Le Dan Pan Que Llore?
Literal Meaning: Who cries when you give them bread?
Meaning: Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
Yo le regalé a Susanita mi bici, pero ella dice que es feo y viejo. ¿A quién le dan pan que llore? (I gave Susanita my bike, but she says it’s ugly and old. Who looks a gift horse in the mouth?)
¿Cómo Amanaciste?
Literal Meaning: How did you wake up this morning?
Meaning: How are you this morning?
¿Cuándo Hemos Comido Juntos En El Mismo Plato?
Literal Meaning: When have we eaten together from the same plate?
Meaning: Why do you act so familiar with me?
¿Por qué me habla de tú? ¿Cuándo hemos comido juntos del mismo plato? (Why are you so familiar with me? We don’t know each other that well.)
¿Por Qué Con Tamal Me Pagas Teniendo Una Bizcochería?
Literal Meaning: Why do you pay me with a tamale when you own a pastry shop?
Meaning: Why don’t you pay me what I’m worth? Why don’t you value what I do?
Eugenio es de familia buena y sus restaurantes y cafés son muy exitosos. Pero cuando le hago trabajos de herrería, me paga una miseria. Le quisiera decir “¿Por qué con tamal me pagas teniendo una bizcochería?”
pero necesito la chamba y no lo quiero ofender. (Eugenio is from a good family and his stores, restaurants and cafes are really successful. But when I do iron work for him, he pays me next to nothing. I’d like to say to him, “Why don’t you pay me what I’m worth?” but I need the job and don’t want to offend him.)
¿Por Qué Tanto Brinco Estando El Suelo Tan Parejo?
Literal Meaning: Why so much jumping when the ground is flat?
Meaning: Why are you making a mountain out of a mole hill?
¿Ya No Te Acuerdas, Cocol, De Cuando Eras Chimisclán?
Literal Meaning: Don’t you remember cocol (fancier pastry) when you were a chimisclán (a simpler version of the pastry)?
Meaning: Have you forgotten your humble background?
Anita es de un pueblito y de una familia humilde, pero ya que anda con Andrés, un chiquillo rico de Guadalajara, se cree la última Coca Cola del desierto. Su amiga Antonia le dijo: ¿Ya no te acuerdas, cocol, de cuando eras chimisclán? (Anita is from a small town and a unpretentious family, but now that she’s going out with Andrés, a rich kid from Guadalajara, she thinks she’s hot stuff. Her friend Antonia told her: “Don’t you remember your humble beginnings?”)