El Rosario Restaurant Recommendations
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You’d be hard pressed to spend US$10 for a main course---or even an entire meal---at the following moderately priced restaurants.
La Palapa (Carretera 15 km #222; tel. 694/952-1222 or 694/952-1409), on the highway at Hotel El Yauco, serves breakfast as well as delicious regional meat and seafood dishes throughout the day. Try the sizzling molcajete with fresh shrimp from the coast. Open daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Run by the family of the late ranchero singer Lola Beltran, Restaurant Trio San Antonio (Calle Lola Beltrán 19, centro; tel. 694/952-1255) serves regional food; the specialty is a fried chicken dish served with frijoles and fresh grated veggies. Open daily except Monday for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Restaurant Bellavista (Camino a Cacalotan; telf. 694/956-5974), specializes in tacos dorados (fried tacos) and “asado a la plaza”: meat grilled with potatoes and topped with fresh grated lettuce, carrots, onion and cucumber. In addition to a good view of town there’s a swimming pool and slides for the entertainment of adults and kids. Open daily 9AM to 7PM.
Hotel & Trailer Park Recommendations
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Rates at the following hotels are less than US$50 per day for a double room.
The nicest of El Rosario’s hotels, Hotel Yauco (Carretera 15 km 222; tel. 694/952-1222 or 694/952-1409) is on the highway just outside the city gates and offers a large rectangular swimming pool, secure parking (plenty of room for trailers) and an excellent restaurant, La Palapa.
At the low end of the spectrum, Hotel Galindo (Calle Dr. Julio Rios Tirado 7, Centro; tel. 694/952-0100) is a budget hotel offering few amenities, but it is right in the middle of town.
At El Caimanero Aguas Verdes beach, Trailer Park El Caimanero offers RV hookups.
More Info...
Town fiesta: The town celebrates La Fiesta de la Virgen del Rosario for nine days preceding her feast day, the first Sunday of October.
Website: www.vivesinaloa.com
City Hall: Calles Angel Flores and Rosales s/n; tel. 964/952-0410 or 64/962-0549.
Travel agency: Gadea Viajes: Calle Cristerna 29; telf. 694/952-1184 or 694/952-1685 sells plane and bus tickets and such but doesn’t offer tours.
For tourist information, contact Yolanda Valdez (or her assistant, Bris) at Hotel Yauco, telf. 694/952-1222, ext. 152.
You can catch a bus to Mazatlan (1.5 hours) or some of the region’s smaller destinations at Transportes del Rosario bus line,
near the Panteon Espanol (Spanish graveyard). The most direct bus to Mazatlan is Unidos de Sinaloa, which departs near Los Arcos del Norte (arches at the entrance to town) or the Spanish graveyard.
$ = 50 pesos or less
$$ = 50 to 120 pesos
$$$ = 120 to 220 pesos
$$$$ more than 220 pesos
(Average meal without tax or tip.)
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$ = less than 400 pesos
$$ = 400 to 800 pesos
$$$ = 800 to 1500 pesos
$$$$ more than 1500 pesos
(Prices may vary by season.)
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