Spanish: Barriga Llena, Corazón Contenta.
Type: Saying
Literal Meaning: Full belly, happy heart.
Meaning: Fat and happy!
Pasé un día tan bonito hoy. Primero desayuné con mi mamá en mi restaurant favorito, luego preparé una comida ligera pero rica en la casa. En la noche, fui a la casa de mis abuelos y mi abuelita me hizo todos mis platillos favoritos con pay de manzana para el postre. Bueno como dicen: Barriga llena, corazón contenta! (I had such a nice day today. First I had breakfast with my mom at my favorite restaurant, and then I made myself a light but delicious midday meal at home. In the evening I went to my grandparents’ house, and my grandma fixed all my favorite dishes with apple pie for dessert. Well, you know what they say: fat and happy!)