Spanish: Poc Chuc
Type: Food
Meaning: roasted or grilled pork, Yucatan style
Poc chuc is un plato yucateco. En los viejos tiempos la naranja agria se usaba para quitar el sabor de la sal, el cual se usaba para conserver la carne. Aparte la receta usa chiles habaneros, especias, y vinagre. La manera tradicional es de cocinar el puerco sobre carbón caliente pero hoy día hay quienes lo cocinan lentamente en el horno. (Poc chuc is a Yucatan dish. In olden days sour oranges were used to eliminate the taste of salt, which was used to preserve the meat. In addition the recipe calls for habanero chilies, spices, and vinegar. The traditional method is cooking over a hot wood fire, but today others cook the pork in a slow oven.)